I just came here for the 20 minutes I have free today to do the prompts up for Friday, so, timely.

I love freewrites; maybe we can do "freewrite friday" or something sometime, but a flash isn't really a freewrite. It's something between a freewrite and something else, because you get 45 long minutes to whip it. Hopefully the edges that get lost are the rough ones, not the fine jangly spontaneous ones. 45 minutes is enough time for structure.

I see it like this, with my "better" flashes: I think about the shape and story before I write, when I'm running or drinking coffee or whatever. When I sit down to write I'm not working those things out so much, I'm seeing them as they look to me. Then there's time to go back and think for a few minutes and maybe hit it with a sledgehammer a time or two. It's hewn rough, but it isn't a freewrite anymore.