First Month of School in In the Meadow

  • Oct. 8, 2018, 11:19 a.m.
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  • Public

The first month of school is now finished. The kids have a three day weekend and will go back to school tomorrow. Kayla and Timmy are taking Advanced English, AP American History, Pre-Calculus, AP Chemistry, and Spanish. The only class they have together is English. They have a study hall, which helps with getting their homework done.

At school there are blocks of time during which representatives from different colleges come to visit the school. The kids can sign up to go to different sessions. Timmy and Kayla have gone to a few of the sessions. We are going to an open house at one of the colleges later this month. We went to a session on financial aid at the high school.

The twins will be taking drivers ed starting next week. They have been driving in different environments. They have been practicing parking and turning. I found out that juniors actually can drive cars to their high school. We will see when they are ready to take the driving test and get a license.

Timmy is on the school soccer team. Kayla is taking dance and gymnastics. They are also participating in different clubs at school. Timmy is in the school environmental group. Kayla is doing Amnesty International. They are both doing Model U.N.

Aaron is in eighth grade. He is enjoying his classes. He definitely has more homework this year. They are getting the kids ready for high school. He is on the school cross-country team. They have meets on Saturdays. The weather has been fairly warm, and it has been nice for cross-country.

There was a school dance this past Friday night. Aaron went with a group of friends. At this age, a few kids have boyfriends and girlfriends but some don’t. I think it is more about socializing. He had a good time. The teachers were giving the kids fruit punch from a fancy goblet. Aaron was very impressed by this.

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