Sigh. (September 21, 2012) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 5, 2014, 4:25 p.m.
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Today started out on a positive note but it progressed into absolute fuckery.

So on Fridays I only have one class so I can come back to my dorm and relax for a while. Today I had to go to a testing room for math. I finish my test and I see the grade and it was terrible. I got 14 out of 20 right so I failed!!!

And now I have all this homework to do because I checked my online assignments and...just...gahhhh!!!

I really wish that I could just for a second have something go right not to mention my problems with my family but I am not going into that too personal.

I don't know how these people at my school do it they go to class every now and then party at night and still manage to not go crazy when they have homework.

I feel like shit but hopefully it will get better. Yes I realize that I am being dramatic but I can't help it school is my life.

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