Boston Trip, Part Five in Travels with ConnieK

  • Nov. 2, 2017, 5:06 p.m.
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Day Five (Wednesday) was a pretty day. We spent the morning visiting with my step-mother and her husband, then stopped for an Italian grinder for lunch on our way to Salem, both of which were a disappointment since the sandwich was not in a sub roll but on a big loaf of Italian bread, and we arrived on Wicked Wednesday in Salem, a festival held throughout the month and geared for family fun. The place was mobbed and we couldn’t find any parking, so we headed to Concord instead.

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We met up with my girlfriend-since-1963 and her husband and toured the Concord Museum and then drove to the North Bridge to refresh our Revolutionary War understanding.

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Dinner was at the Colonial Inn with my friends and the kids. I had a lobster roll.

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We checked into a Best Western for two nights. Great continental breakfast. Better than the average offering for the chain. I was surprised and delighted with the quartered red grapefruit and choice of 4 different juices.

I’ll write more at the end about all these places, but for now, I’m just giving a quick over-view. Next up, a visit to Salem and the cousin’s dinner!

GypsyWynd November 02, 2017

Boy, they sure didn't skimp on the lobster! That roll looks DEEEEEEEE-licious!!
I love subs on Italian bread. Sub rolls can be too squishy.

ConnieK GypsyWynd ⋅ November 02, 2017

The only place that went light on the lobster meat was Legal Seafood. Bostonians are picky about their lobster rolls. Lots of meat and very little mayo.

GypsyWynd ConnieK ⋅ November 02, 2017

Isn't Legal Seafood a chain? That would explain it. And who needs much mayo when you have lob-stah?!

pbrman November 02, 2017

So cool, I was born and raised in Concord, baptised in that church in the first picture.

ConnieK pbrman ⋅ November 02, 2017

Oh, funny! I was born and raised in Winchester. :)

Eriu November 02, 2017

I thought of going to Salem for vacation before I went to the hospital. Again, one day! Concord , too - I like to visit historic sites.

ConnieK Eriu ⋅ November 02, 2017

There was so much more I had to let go...a few weeks in Boston might give me enough time to see everything. :)

a mote, floating November 02, 2017

I used to bicycle through Concord via the Minuteman Bikeway. Visited Salem back in the 80s and was treated to some very hokey presentations (ominous voice-over: "Do you believe in witches?") My partner's family includes a woman tried for witchcraft in Salem. She stayed alive, but I think she was imprisoned for a bit.

"Grinder" was one of those words I had to learn after I moved to MA from NY, where they're called subs. I'd see the printed word and go what the heck is that?

By the way, my avatar is a shot I took from the boardwalk that extends into Lake Ponkapoag over in Blue Hills Reservation. Back in 2001 my partner and I spent a couple of weeks hiking the trails and living in an AMC cabin.

ConnieK a mote, floating ⋅ November 03, 2017

The recreated prison (the original was torn down before preservation, but details were kept) was horrific. Those who couldn't afford a larger cell were put in a space no bigger than a broom closet.

"Tonic" is another local term, as are "jimmies", and "wicked pissah". :)

a mote, floating ConnieK ⋅ November 03, 2017

Yep, tonic was another head-scratcher for me. What, they have an affinity for tonic water? :-)

QueenSuzu November 05, 2017

I need to plan a trip to Boston now.

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