Time is Precious and Limited in Understanding the Unthinkable

  • April 30, 2017, 10:05 p.m.
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My brother’s night was not good. He tried to get up unassisted and was restless in the early morning hours. The doctor instructed SIL to call family in for a last visit. A Chaplin is coming at 1. There is no way to know if it’ll be today or in the coming days, but time is precious and limited.

GypsyWynd April 30, 2017

{{{Hugs}}} and tears

ConnieK GypsyWynd ⋅ May 01, 2017

Love you.

WildflowerHeart April 30, 2017

So sorry to read this. Prayers for all. Hugs.

ConnieK WildflowerHeart ⋅ May 01, 2017

Thanks. It's been a tough time.

QueenSuzu April 30, 2017

Awww, prayers and healing thoughts for all ((hugs)).

ConnieK QueenSuzu ⋅ May 01, 2017

Thanks, dear friend. HUGS

Shattered May 01, 2017

My heart breaks for your family.

ConnieK Shattered ⋅ May 01, 2017

Thanks, Storm. It's a sad time.

Ragdolls May 01, 2017

I am so sad to read this. Prayers...Peace...(((HUGS)))

ConnieK Ragdolls ⋅ May 04, 2017

Thank you. HUGS

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