Well, Jax is rich, so he could have assistants take care of many of the details of the funeral, and if they need him give him a call.
Also, he could have a private jet ready pretty much at his command. When I flew from Melbourne to JFK, it took 24 hrs but was in LA for over 3 hrs.

As for Dillon, yes he went to boarding school and is it just me or does Lulu look older than Dillon, yet Dillon was supposed to been married to Georgie when the then teenage Lulu slept with him.

As for Sam body bouncing back, there are some women whose body does bounce back well. I had an emergency c section and a week later, I was doing laundry and all of the other things that needed to be done.

What I don't find plausible, that all of them believed that Jake was Josslyn's donor. Because Jake is so young and they SORA Josslyn and it wouldn't be a good match.