CRASH! in Day by Day

  • March 21, 2017, 8:35 a.m.
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  • Public

BOTH computers crashed the other day. We had to wipe the laptop’s hard drive clean. It’s back up and running, but I can’t get online. Clunky old Mr. Desktop chugs along. He’s twenty years old, but I’ve replaced almost everything over the years so he’s younger than he looks. I’m convinced you cannot kill an HP.

Mr. Desktop refuses to remember passwords, and since I have different passwords for every e-mail account (personal, writing, work, non-profit), online banking, and of course, prosebox, it’s been fun (not). Mr. Desktop has the old Word, so my laptop back-ups are useless. Everything comes out in binary code! I have to print from laptop (it won’t get online but I can still use it for documents), scan to Mr. Desktop, and THEN e-mail the document out.

So if I suddenly go missing, it’s probably computer-related. I plan on buying a new laptop, but not until I find out how much I need to pay the IRS and get the billing on the insurance for the rental…I may be too broke to buy one and I don’t dip into savings for luxuries. Old Mr. Desktop and I can limp along together for a bit longer.

Next weekend is my older brother’s memorial. It’ll be about a two hour drive south on Saturday. We’ll return home, fall into bed, only to drive a few hours to the Orlando area on Sunday to meet with Nick’s ex-girlfriend. This is the one who broke his heart and sent him into a tailspin that led to drug use. I understand she did what she needed to but I truly wish she’d reached out to him when I begged her to.

I’m bringing her some things he treasured during their years together and that I know will have meaning for her. She has some things of his she wants me to have. It will be a heartbreaking time, but I need to do this. The other two boys don’t understand. My husband is surprised, but he’ll do whatever I want if it helps to heal. Hold your kids tight. Tell them you love them. They can slip away so easily.

Thursday night is the big quarterly Board of Directors meeting. I’m prepared, but it sure is lousy scheduling. Since I set the date, I’ve no one to blame but myself! LOL! We always serve a light meal. I made baked ziti and chocolate chip cookies. I’ll make the day-before salad (a reliable go-to dish that’s easy since you make it ahead) on Wednesday, and just heat the ziti and the garlic bread on Thursday afternoon. Someone else will do it next quarter, so don’t think I’m a martyr.

Younger brother is still in the hospital and still struggling. Your prayers and good thoughts are very much appreciated.

I finished an article for my “Worthy Causes” column and have sent it in for review/revision with the company before I send it to the magazine. I hope to start an article on May Day celebrations for my Florida History column this week.

The garden is just about played out…a few more tomatoes, carrots, and onions. The cauliflower looks gorgeous, but it’s not doing ANYTHING as far as forming heads. It just grows bigger and bigger. Cauliflower likes cooler temperatures and that will soon pass, here in southwest Florida, so who knows?

That’s about it in my life: some good, some bad, but life goes on, boring or not, you know?

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