EdnaLand Update in shiny things
- March 9, 2017, 8:19 a.m.
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Not that there’s much to update – other than whining about wanting to write more and not doing it! If I’d do it more often, I’d probably have a lot more to say. Right now I’m at work, of course, in need of a break because this afternoon seemingly has no end. That’s probably because for three months I’ve been going to lunch at 2:00 instead of my normal 1:00 due to Aggravation Receptionist being out on medical leave. I had to move into her 2:00 spot so as not to leave anyone alone during lunch - Mr. Organized and I both ordinarily go at 1, while our counterpart goes at 12 and AR goes at 2. (What is Our Counterpart’s code name???? I think I called her New Girl for ages, but she certainly isn’t new any longer; she’s been here at least 3 years). (And Mr. Organized would have gone at 2, or at least switched off with me, but I didn’t think I’d mind it). Anyhow, AR has at last returned to work, and I returned to my preferred 1:00 lunch time… and now the afternoon is CRAWLING.
Yes, she is back. She returned on Monday. What was she doing when I just walked by her? Texting. She’s been gone three months and still doesn’t seem to have anything to do. And no, I do not know how she gets by with this - and always has. Ex-New Girl verified for me that doing her own work plus AR’s work didn’t overload her in the least because.... AR DOESN’T DO ANYTHING.
I think she’s always gotten by with it because she’s very pleasant and likable (even I like her, she just annoys the bejesus out of me) and it is also pretty much impossible to get rid of an employee here, unless they do something really really bad, like, illegal-bad. Or just don’t show up for work, etc. I think I will mention to the new Ass’t Dean that she needs more to do at some point, when New Ass’t Dean is not as overwhelmed as she is right now. AR could do stuff for HER. And AR’s behavior doesn’t affect me directly, other than driving me round the bend because.... IT’S NOT FAIRRRRR!!!! But I don’t want to sound whiny, and New Ass’t Dean actually has the same full view of AR’s computer when she exits her office as I do- our offices are side by side and AR has her back to us – so she’ll surely figure it out. And, not to sound all sexist or anything, but New Ass’t Dean is a female and may not be as easily bamboozled by AR as the male associate deans were. And by that I just mean that they all felt sorry for her and let her lack of productivity and overload of draaaaaama slide.
Oh, well. I probably shouldn’t be complaining about her doing nothing, as I sit here writing on PB during work.
As for her surgery, she certainly doesn’t seem to be fixed. She’s got the same complaints as always, plus now she’s apparently got even less energy after having surgery. Which of course I don’t doubt- when I had a hysterectomy it took probably six months before I really had a normal energy level again, and that was laparoscopic and not brain surgery. SO, I suppose we shall see.
Other than THAT, nothing particularly exciting going on. Could I possibly get back into the habit of this so I’ll have things that are actually interesting to write about?? I do think I’ve made three entries now this year, which… YES, is one less entry that I made in all of 2016. So at least I’m improving.
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