Bits & Pieces: The Resistance Goes On in Distress

  • Feb. 12, 2017, 5:17 p.m.
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Sorry, I haven’t stopped the resistance to the empire, I’ve just been a bit under the weather. I’ve been doing all I can do to get out of bed and make it work and by the time I get home, I’ve just been exhausted. I’ve written a bunch of entries in my head this past week, they just never made it here. Let’s see if I can give them to you, in brief, and make up for some lost time.

Gaga ooh-blah-blah!

I, for one, was pretty fucking disappointed in Lady Gaga’s halftime performance at the Superbowl. I thought it all lined up. Gaga is one of the biggest supporters of LGBTQ people in the world and here she is at the focal point of the country during the the halftime show and I was ready! I often skip the halftime show, to be honest. I’d rather have a short cigar and beer outside than watch Gaga on a normal night, but this was no normal night. This was the first time, since the election, that all eyes were on one event. I was certain that Lady Gaga was going to do something amazing and outrageous to fight the empire. She was all primed, ready and able to become a new hero of mine.

And she started off with those patriotic songs. I thought…okay…here it comes! Then she did a medley of all her hits, hugged one black girl, said hello to mom and dad and jumped off the stage without a single social statement.

Epic. Fail.

I’ve heard a lot of bullshit since then. I’ve heard from fans who insist the message was there but it was subtle or highbrow and not for everyone. To which, I say, BULLSHIT. She let the whole team down. It is the obligation of those with a voice to use it to fight the dictator at every turn. It is the obligation of those with a stage to use it, of those with a microphone to be heard with it, of those with a platform to stand on it and lead the fight, to constantly send the message to the Commander in Cheeto that we will oppose him at every turn. That he cannot escape the American people. That we will hold him accountable.

Lady Gaga kept quiet.

Shame on her.

Big Props To The Judiciary, Yo!

It pisses me off when people don’t understand how our government works–when they actually live here and abide by our government’s rules. None the less, I’ve found that many people don’t understand it. People used to blame Obama for things, all the time, that were actually the fault of the Legislature.

The American government is set up to keep any one person from having absolute power or authority. Obama was helpless, in many cases, because he didn’t have the power, Congress had it. And Congress was made up of a Republican majority whose only aim was to fight anything Obama did. Good idea, bad idea, didn’t matter. Look no further for proof than the fact that so many in that Republican Congress voted against a bill that was aimed at continuing to help pay for the healthcare of the First Responders on 9/11.

But I digress. Lot’s of people do understand the Legislative branch and the Executive branch, but have no idea what the fuck the Judiciary branch does. Those are the judges. They make sure the law of the land is properly interpreted and specifically, the Supreme Court is responsible for oversight of the other two branches, making sure they don’t try to rule outside of their authority.

This week, #TrumpyTheClown found out the hard way that he is not omnipotent. He found out that he’s not the only one with an ego. He found out that while there may be judges who are conservative and judges who are liberal, they are ALL judges. So, if you respond to a judges ruling, like a petulant child and take to twitter to call him a “so-called judge” and wash your hands of any terror activity during your time as president, instructing American to blame the judge instead, piss off ALL the judges.

This week, the ruling was upheld unanimously, in Federal Appeals Court. To which, 45 replied, “SEE YOU IN COURT!” Which…is…yanno…where judges typically are at, so that was convenient.

Here’s the good thing. The Cheeto-in-Chief has now made an enemy of the only branch of the government that he doesn’t hold power over. Even his own, hard-core conservative nomination for the Supreme Court, said it was disheartening to hear what President Dorito Dust had to say.

He’s alienating powers he needs. The press. The CIA. The Judiciary. These are big wins for us.

She Was Warned. She Was Given An Explanation. Nevertheless, She Persisted.

Geriatric Nincompoop Turtle, Mitch McConnell warned Elizabeth Warren. He gave her an explanation. And he expected her to be quiet and sit down like a good little girl. Elizabeth Warren is no Lady Gaga though. Elizabeth Warren motherfucking PERSISTED.

And so, was born, the first battlecry of the resistance. And so, was born, the uniting cry of all women. This was a huge blow to the old-boys network. This is a shot across the bow of the USS Conservative Fucktardic letting the jolly crew know that this shit will no longer stand.

The Democratic Party in the US has been the roll over and take-it-up-the-ass party for a long, long time. It’s the reason why, I originally considered myself to be Republican. I wanted to support strength. The Democrats had no backbone and I didn’t want jellyfish running my country. I was happy to err on the side of strength. Now? Now, the party of the people is getting a backbone. Liz Warren. Al Franken. Bernie Sanders and others are standing up and being heard.

It’s not enough. We still have Democrats voting YES to Tiny Hands’ cabinet appointees. They still want to play nice in the sandbox while the big kids shove sand up their asses. Those weak Democrats have to toughen up or go. They are every bit the danger the Republicans are now.

In my state, my Senator Dick Durbin has called for an investigation into the 2016 Election and possible tampering by Russia. We’ve invited the President of Mexico to speak before a joint assembly of our State Assembly to discuss the possible effects of “the wall.” (which will cost twice what #TrumpyTheClown said it would, now).

What are YOUR elected officials doing? Find out.

In Summation:

It was a good week for us. Keep it up. Keep fighting. Keep supporting those who fight for us. Be heard. November 2018 will be here before you know it. We have to win that election every day between now and then. Constant vigilance! Hoops out.

7puddingcups February 12, 2017

Excellent summation of recent developments. I was also surprised and disappointed at Lasy Gaga's lack of...anything during that halftime performance. She is now Lady Blahblah in my mind.

Pockets February 13, 2017

i was disappointed in Gaga too.
i expected...something...and got...nothing.
hell. Busta Rhymes did more than Lady Gaga...

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