same O same O in Ok!!!

  • Nov. 1, 2016, 10:44 a.m.
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  • Public

Been doing a little fishing for flounder. (flat fish) Stuffed a couple last Friday with shrimp and crab meat for supper. Frying fish tonight with some homemade French fries. Right knee is very arthritic. Hurts me a lot. I fight through the pain and keep going. But I am going to have something done about it soon. Animals all doing good. lots of chickens. Need to kill a few roosters and make me a gumbo. Family all doing good. Sons surgery on his foot was successful. Other son got his tractor and bush hog all back together. Did some mowing in my pasture. Church is growing. Will retire this coming July. About 8 months. Voting for Trump. Praying Killary don’t make it in. She is just to corrupt to be President. So that’s it. Yawl be sure and go vote. Tata!

crystal butterfly November 03, 2016

I don't think I have ever eaten flounder. But I like what you stuffed it with so figure I would enjoy your recipe.

Please, when you go vote, it you use a machine watch, watch, watch, before you click accept. Even in KS the machines have been changing votes. I plan to vote Trump. This uneducated college graduate, sexist, deplorable woman does not want a woman so lacking in credibility, conscience, etc to represent me as the first woman president.

Tuff e Nuffy crystal butterfly ⋅ November 07, 2016


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