Weigh in number 6 and goodbye to the parents in Life as a Mom of 2 boys.....and a girl!!

  • Oct. 24, 2016, 4:51 p.m.
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My parents are gone :( And now we won’t see them for 50 days. Which is like a lifetime away. They return December 13th which is also the day Summer turns 8 months. Man that sounds old! Babies sure don’t stay tiny for long. But anyways, my parents came over and said their goodbyes, gave us their food that was going to go bad, gave me a gift card for my birthday (yay!) and left. It sucks that they won’t be here because it’s been nice to have a bit of help and some nice company but they do this every year so I’m a bit used to it. I could have used money for my birthday to pay for my $120 license plate sticker renewal which is due on my birthday but I know birthday gifts are supposed to be for fun stuff for yourself or whatever. The gift card they gave me was for the mall and a friend of mine said she’d give me $115 cash for it if I just wanted money so I agreed lol (it’s for $125). That might sound cheap or strange or whatever but I really don’t make a ton on mat leave and I don’t feel a need to treat myself to a ton of gifts so it’s all good. Besides, Mike, his mom and grandma all get me gifts and that’s good enough :) So now my sticker will be paid for and I can use whatever other money I earn for stuff for the family. Mike and his mom always ask me what I want and his grandma gives me a card with $50 in it so I will ask Mike and his mom for winter boots (mine broke last year) and either a purse or some pants and maybe a treat or two. We’ll see. My birthday is still 11 days away. And I’ll be 37 (which seems insanely old lol).

I remembered recently that my parents gave me 17 Royal Daulton figurines to try to sell somehow. They gave me them a year ago and I contacted a guy from an antique store and he said they weren’t worth much so I didn’t do anything after that. Well, I looked one of them up on ebay the other day and someone is trying to sell one for $50. I was like whaaaaaaaaaaat? Another website has some of the ones I have up for sale for between $80 and $150. That’d be awesome if I could sell them for that! So now I’m contacting a few more antiques stores in town to see what they say. I tried to look up a pricing guide online and didn’t have much luck. I put 2 of them up on ebay via auction yesterday for a week so we’ll see how those do. It’d be nuts if I managed to get like $1000 for all of them or something like that. I doubt it though…

Oh it’s Monday....so I weighed in this morning. It was week 6 of my weight loss challenge and I’ve gone from 186.4lbs to 172.4lbs. Lost 1.6 pounds this week. There’s 2 weeks left and I’d really like to win either first or second place in this competition ($144 or $72) so I’m going to try really hard for the next 14 days. I exercise every day already as it is and eat 1700 calories or less so I’m not really sure what else I can do. I don’t want to go super low on calories since I’m still nursing my 6 month old a lot. I think I didn’t lose as much as usual last week because of some foods I probably didn’t calculate the calories of properly. Like the Thai leftovers my parents gave me....or the turkey a la king my mom made…and I’m sure the fish and chips they ordered on Friday night didn’t help. So, for the next 14 days I’m not going to eat anything I have to guess the calories of. I’ll try to calculate everything exactly. And instead of doing my normal 10,000 steps or so I’m going to aim for closer to 15,000 a day. Which is going to suck. But I could really use that money and it would be awesome if in 2 weeks I was something like 168 pounds!! I can’t believe how many of the ladies in the group aren’t doing well losing weight. This week there’s one lady ahead of me (she’s lost 8.2% of her initial weight so far and I’ve lost 7.5%) but out of 24 people that’s pretty good! So we’ll see....and I’m not celebrating my birthday with sweets or whatever until this competition is over (my birthday is November 4th and it ends November 7th). I can do it!! I’m actually kind of hoping for 2nd place because I feel like someone might be pissed at me in the group if I win twice :/

lessoff October 24, 2016

how often do you have to do a license plate renewal? $125 sounds like a lot. we have it here yearly (it is called registration) and it is 42 bucks. but it really depends on which state you live in. I think some other states are good for 3 years if the car is a newer model. we also have inspection, which is once a year (once again depending on your state laws), that is like 90 bucks and then they always find something wrong with your car, so its like 90 bucks plus new tires! haha. at least that is how I feel about it.

oh and the weird thing is that my county added a 3 dollar bridge fee to our registrations, so when I do them at work they are 39 bucks instead of 42, cause of the different counties.

its like everyone has their hands out wanting my money! rob just paid to get his drivers license renewed (every 4 years), and I think that was $26.

I didn't realize that we were so close in age. im 36 (my b day is april 7).

It's_all_a_journey lessoff ⋅ October 24, 2016

License plate renewals are every year, due on your birthday. About 5 years ago it was $75 and now it's all the way up to $120! Craziness. Then, once your car is 7 years old you need an emissions test every other year which is $30 and if you need something fixed you have to fix it and get another one until your car is okay. It only tests if your car is emitting bad stuff into the air. And yeah, there's a fee for everything these days. I can hardly keep up!

lessoff It's_all_a_journey ⋅ October 24, 2016

yeah we have emissions too, it is part of the yearly inspection they do. they actually print out a report and put it in your glove compartment. I don't know what do with all of them.

Blue Echo October 24, 2016

I'm the same way when anyone (usually my husband's parents) give me money as a gift. The giver wants you to go buy junk with it but I would usually rather have the peace of mind of paying off debt instead. For my birthday I compromised and put it in the vacation savings fund, since I know I'm going to have a hard time saving anything out of my paychecks for a while.

You do have to watch out for those eBay listings--some people list things ridiculously high to try to con people into believing they're valuable (try looking up Disney VHS tapes sometime--it's crazy!). The best way to get a feel for what something is actually worth is to look it up on eBay and then on the left side of the screen they have all those filtering options. Click the one that says to show only sold listings, and that way you can see what the item has actually sold for recently.

It's_all_a_journey Blue Echo ⋅ October 24, 2016

Great idea (and restraint!) putting your birthday money in the vacation savings fund. We have one of those going too but I haven't been able to contribute much lately.

Thanks! I didn't know about that feature on ebay. I will try it :)

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