Ever feel Like??? in Ok!!!

  • Sept. 29, 2016, 7:59 a.m.
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Those of us in the ministry don’t like not having the right words at hand to help others. Our first impulse is to say something comforting and that has strength in it. Something that has some meat in it that the person can grab on too. Soothing words in times of hurt and stress. This ole life has plenty to go around, doesn’t it? People or hurting inside, emotionally, mentally, physically. They need understanding of their frustrations of living. I want to help. But impulse responding is seldom of God. It is usually just my subjective thinking on the persons troubles. This morning a brother was troubled on here. I wanted to say all the right things. But, I knew I needed to pray first and ask for God’s wisdom. Proper wording and sensitivity. however, the Holy Spirit did not reveal the things I thought were needed. God said simply to pray. I know with out doubt that God has a plan for my prayer. Because that is what He wanted for my brothers family. Not words, but God gives us prayer so we can get involved with and in His work. Thank you Lord for another lesson. Help me to seek your ways first every time. It is a privilege to pray for my friends. God Bless you each and every one. May we be obedient to Him and follow His perfect example, Jesus!

cardslinger September 29, 2016

crystal butterfly September 30, 2016

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