Survey Stolen from Phoenix Seraph <3 in Friends With the Benedicts

  • Aug. 8, 2016, 11:20 p.m.
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  • Public

First Name: Stephanie
Middle Name: Lauren
Were you named after anyone? I don’t think so, hang on lemme ask my Mom. Calls Mom. OK, Lauren Hutton or something, apparently back in the day, she used to do shampoo commercials. LMAO. And she just liked Stephanie because my Granny wanted me named Tiffany and she went the other way. LOL.
If yes, who? See above.
Do you like your name? Kinda. I like my middle name. :)
If not, what would you change it to? Lauren something. LOL. I guess just Lauren. I can’t wait to be my name plus my wife’s last name, but it kinda makes me sound like a porn star. Stephanie Lauren Morgan. LMAO.
Were you almost named something else? Yep. My Granny wanted me named Tiffany apparently. My wife’s ex is named Tiffany. Phew, dodged a bullet there! LOL.
If yes, what was it? See above.
Who named you? My mama. :)

Hair color? Brown.
Happy with it? Nope, I dye it all the time. LOL Laura haaates that I do, but whatevs. ;)
Do you dye your hair? LOL
If yes, what colors has your hair ever been? Bergundy, red, black, dark brown, blondish, orange lol that one was an accident. Ha.
Is your hair long or short? Short. I get headaches from the weight of it if it is too long.
What shampoo do you use? Just like, anything we have, nothing special.
Conditioner? I baby my hair with this though. Usually something nice, 3 minute miracle is my fav. :)
What about toothpaste? I do not have any teeth. LOL. I do brush my mouth every once in a while though for Laura. :)
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? N/A
Do you/did you have braces? Nope.
Are your teeth white? Nope.
What color are your eyes? Brown
Are you happy with it? No, not really. (keeping lol)
What would you change them to? Green.
Do you wear contacts or glasses? Horrible glasses that need to be chaaanged!
What hand do you write with? Right
Your gender? Female

Your Age and Birthday
When is your birthday? 9/29
What time were you born? 2:48 AM
Do you share a birthday with any of your friends? No.
Family Memembers? No, but close… My brother’s bday is the 27th of September.
What about celebrities? Yep, Mr. Jerry Lee Lewis! I love me some Great Balls Of Fire. :)
What’s your Zodiac sign? Libra, but they have revamped them and I don’t believe in them anyway. lol
Chinese Zodiac sign? Grr. LOL. I dunno....
What age do you wish you were? 23.
What age do you act? 65. LOL That’s how old I feel. :(

What is your mom’s name? LaDonna Carol.
Dad? I like to think my Dad, who is locked up in prison for 35 years on child molestation charge, is dead to me. Maybe. I haven’t made up my mind yet. No, he did not touch me. But still....
Any brothers? One that I grew up with, and 3 I have never met.
If yes, their names and ages? Jared, 25 and that is all I know except Alex and Dustin who has my Bday. Oh, forgot him. LOL.
Any sisters? One, who was adopted before I was born. :(
If yes, their names and ages: N/A
Favorite family member: My Mom, of course. lol
Which family members live with you? I only live with my wife, so I guess if you say she is a family member, then her. lol.
Do you have any pets? Yes, too many. And I want them gone. I hate my home. LOL.
Type of animal & their names? Well, I’ll give you my dogs’ names. Kya, wolf dog, she is 8, and Jackson, Chow/german shepherd, 9. :)

What grade are you in? N/A
What school did you attend? Only High School, and I dropped out and got my GED in 2002. :) I wanted to go to college but now I have way too much brain damage and it would be too frustrating. :(
What’s your mascot? In High School it was a Gator. I dunno his name. lol.
Are you in any sports? N/A
Are you in any clubs? N/A
Are you full of school spirit? I was not. LOL.
What do people stereotype you as? An addict. But they are right. lol
What classes are you taking? N/A
Your favorite class? Ever?? Hmmm.... In high school, English definitely, or creative writing. ;) <3
Least favorite class? MATH. I am with you, Annie!! :)
Favorite teacher? Do not remember, but she was known as the “Queen of the dropouts.” It was in “Drop out prevention”. I would hazard a guess to say it did not work. lolololol.
Least favorite teacher? Ooooh Mr. Arnold. LOLOLOL

What religion were you raised under? None. Yay! But I wanted to go to church as a child, and went to a Baptist church just to participate in something. I ended up getting baptised at the age of 8.
What religion are you now? Atheist. So None. ;)
Heaven and Hell? No.
Do you believe there is an afterlife? No, but I hope there is something.
Type of music? I listen to everything. (keeping this.)
Band? Evanescence.
Song? Purple Rain, Prince.
Singer? Amy Lee.
Actress? Don’t have one.
Actor? Paul Rudd.
Artist? Nope.
Author? Paullina Simons.
Book? The Bronze Horseman, Paullina Simons. Annie, you should totally read it. It is about WWII set in Germany. LOVE IT.............. Will you pleeeease?????????
T.V. Show? So You Think You Can Dance.
Cartoon? Archer.
Movie? Beaches.
Food? Maccaroni and cheese.
Drink? Sweet Tea. I am a Southern Gal.
Restaurant? Hmmm.... Chow Tyme Buffet hehehe
Fast food restaurant? McDonalds!
Letter? T
Number? 19
Word? Manzana (Spanish for Apple)
Thing to do? Watch TV with my baby
Sport? Nah
Sports team? Saints because they are from Nawlins.
Time of day? Night
Day of the week? I am on disability, they are all the same to me, but I enjoy business days better so I can get things done.
Week of the year? Eh, don’t care.
Month of the year? January. I like coooold.
Day of the year? Xmas.
Language? English.
City? New York baby!!! Never been but I looooves it!
State? Iowa. Miss it sooo bad. :(
Country? U.S.A.
Continent? Ours. :)

Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? I have a wife,
Their name? Joey
How long have you been dating? We have been together, not dating, a total of 16 years!
Do you ever want to break up? Nooooo.... lol
Are you in love? More every day somehow.
How much do you love them? More than the air I breathe.
Would you trust them with your life? Absolutely. She would die for me.
Have you ever slow danced with them? Yes, but only out of fun. She has severe anxiety and does not dance. We did not dance at our wedding. I don’t mind tho. She loves me sooo very much, I am lucky enough that she gave me a beautiful wedding!! <3
What’s one of your favorite things about their personality?
She is sooo funny and loving, we mesh so well together and she is so very smart. I am very attracted to her as a person. She is very loyal and so very honest. I can always count on her to be the one who gives me her honest opinion. If she says my outfit looks good, then it does! lol
What’s one of your favorite things about their looks?
Her beautiful eyes and face. OMG she is gorrrrgeous!!

Are they understanding? She can be, usually. But sometimes not. It is something we are working on.
Do they listen to your problems? Yes, she pretty much has to, lololol
Is your significant other attractive? Gawd yes. LOLOLOL
If they weren’t attractive, would you still date them? Yes…
Are you a virgin? Why yes, yes I am. LMAO
Have you ever romantically loved anyone else more than you do your current partner? Yes, I have been in love 3 times. My first love was a guy who is now dead from an overdose, my 2nd was a girl who abused me, and 3rd time is a charm, my Laura. :)

The Future
Where do you see yourself one year from now? I cannot see that far…
Five years from now? Nope. Don’t wanna.
Ten years from now? Visions of wheelchairs and walkers come into my head....
Twenty years from now? NO.
What is your future occupation? None.
Do you want to get married? I don’t know at this point, but I know I do at least want her last name. :)
Do you want to have children? No, I cannot, hysterctomy.
What would you name your daughter? N/A But we were going to name her Georgia Katherine-Jeanette. :(
What would you name your son? My Son’s name is Zackary Dominic. :(
What age do you hope to be married by? N/A
What age do you hope to have children by? N/A

*Wow, kudos if you got thru that!!! :) :) Love you ALL! <3 <3


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