Developments: To cut out the middle, my next door neighbors (the only ones I was sure I'd feel comfortable considering in this context) have offered to just take two of my seeds and (assuming they both germinate) grow two of the plants as their own. :-) And I'll just grow two myself, which is more comfortable for me to do because now I know the risk of crop failure is still diffused between four different tries, just not all with me.

Which takes an absurd excessive burden off my mind. . . . And which still dodges - or actually surrenders to? - the problem of what a person is supposed to do if s/he grows all four plants that s/he is entitled to grow and things go well!

(The state regulators have set up a system for commercial growers and sellers where each marijuana plant and its harvest is to be tracked all the way through the chain, from seedling to point of sale. So that there can be no leakage/diversion into the untaxed black market that they want to dwindle off and disappear. They care about this. It makes no sense for them to meanwhile have rules that may make befuddled private citizens feel at gunpoint to somehow dispose of "too much pot," that must disappear . . . and that, come to think of it, is actually worth a lot of money.)