Quash - 24.11.13 in Your Face

  • Dec. 18, 2013, 2:20 a.m.
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  • Public

So M bought a car yesterday. It looks a bit scuffed, but the inside is clean and it runs well.

I am trying hard to quash my hopes, but I can't help feeling a little bit excited that the wheels are moving again, Realistically, I could leave in January or February. That's not all that far off.

I housesat for my sister this weekend, it's like a holiday for me when I stay here. I have cooked meals, sat on the couch, showered in a bathroom that is actually practical and I have had quiet and privacy. I am now looking forward to the Christmas break when I will be here for a week or two to care for the dog.

I have an essay due on 2 December. As usual, I am procrastinating over it. I just keep doing small bursts, which seems to work for me.

Money will be very tight this week. I need to send extra money to M to help with the car registration. I have the $100 storage payment and my pre-paid internet is about to run out. Yuck. My motivation is returning, though, and I am just looking at it like a challenge - how cheaply can I live this week?

Tyler's father (who owns the house that Tyler rents, and M is living in) has agreed that M can live there for a maximum of 6 months. It has already been 4, so he really needs to secure work. Then next on the list will be a house. We have some small furniture items in storage, but no bed. Hay, at least moving in will be easy! I can scrape together the deposit, but his job needs to cover the rent.

Damn. Those hopes are creeping up again. I see glimpses of the old M in the emails we exchanged yesterday.

So what is there to look forward to this week? Work is dull right now and I find all 3 of the new employees to be irritating. I have a tupperware party to go to next weekend, which will be dull, but the company will be good. I also have dinner with friends on Friday night. That sounds good - I just need to survive Monday to Friday!

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