Boring - 17.11.13 in Your Face

  • Dec. 18, 2013, 12:06 a.m.
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  • Public

Mother's birthday party was last night (and was lovely). Very tired today, and I just woke up from a 3.5 hour nap. I'd like to sleep longer but I am afraid I won't get to sleep tonight.

It's all so boring. I am trying to be a little more positive - M is looking at cars. He had some money in his US bank account that he can use. It's a small sum, but he might be lucky and find something cheap. I need to squeeze a few more dollars to send to him to try and replenish the account. Getting a car puts our plans back on the rails and makes me feel hopeful again that we can get out of this situation where we live separative lives in separate countries.

Another week starts tomorrow along with fresh reserve to be a better person, be more careful with money, get more done in the time available to me.

Which reminds me, I need to write an essay.

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