Expensive crap in QUOTIDIEN

  • Aug. 13, 2013, 10:08 p.m.
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So after having seen 4 specialists, and now that my dizziness is even worse than it was a few days ago, the neuro keeps punting me to the ENT who, in return, punts me back. In the last three days, the secretaries from both offices suggested maybe making follow up appointments. Even with insurance, I've doled out $380.

So when the Neuro's nurse told me the dr wants to stay the course on this drug protocol that has caused me to gain 15 lbs in the last month and has increased my dizziness, offering nothing to counter the extreme fatigue , I came to a decision.

I have found a Neurotologist who specializes in Migraine Associated Vertigo. Difference between him and my current guy? My neuro is sort of like the GP of brain crap, and the new guy is a specialist in brain/ear crap.

That is what I did for myself today.


Vestibular and ocular motor disorders A multidisciplinary team at Mayo focuses their practice and research on patients with dizziness, vertigo, vestibular disorders, and conditions affecting balance form a small multi–specialty group. Because the field of neurotology (or otoneurology) is defined primarily by the symptoms of the patients than by specific disease entities, experts in this area include all physicians whose disease interests may manifest as dizziness or imbalance. Such physicians include neurologists, neurotologic surgeons (otolaryngologists), audiologists, psychiatrists, and physical therapists, all of whom participate in the evaluation of patients.

Common conditions seen in this field include:

Positional vertigo Meniere’s disease Vestibular neuritis Migraine–associated dizziness Superior canal dehiscence Vestibular schwannoma Other central nervous system or general medical causes of imbalance and dizziness

shneaker August 13, 2013

It's important to have a voice when it comes to your health. sometimes the doctors are so caught up in treating they forget the person they are treating. Way to go!! Good on you!!

MJ's Page shneaker ⋅ August 14, 2013

Thanks, schneaker.

Deleted user August 13, 2013

Gosh, I couldn't imagine having to go through what you do... I just... I guess we all have health issues to some extent ... I have chronic migraines and I do get some dizziness with them.. but... I couldn't imagine having to deal with what you do... It's gotta suck bad eggs.

MJ's Page Deleted user ⋅ August 14, 2013

Sometimes, it does. My dizziness compensated down to a two, and I have loved like that for 2 years. Now, it's at about a 3.5. Still manageable. Self-compensation takes far longer than it does when you can do Vestibular Rehab. Because of the migraine factor, I am a bad candidate. So-time is likely my answer.

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