Thanksgiving Update in 2015

Revised: 12/04/2015 12:47 a.m.

  • Dec. 2, 2015, 11 p.m.
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So Zane (Cori’s brother) wasn’t able to make it out for Thanksgiving (I personally think he waited until the last second and prices were too high) and told us some story about how his boss got fired and he needed to go back to Denver (from Dallas, where he is now) the day after Thanksgiving. Not sure I believe this but… Either way, he waited until Wednesday morning to say this, and Cori and I had already gone shopping for all the stuff we needed. Otherwise I wouldn’t have bought anything other than what we usually buy and we could’ve gone to Amanda’s mom’s house, as we had been invited. I’m sure we still could’ve gone, but we had so much food and I didn’t want to go last minute, so Cori and I spent the day home. It was nice since the store decided to stay closed instead of like last year when we were open 6pm-midnight.

Black Friday was busy but okay. Cori dropped me off and picked me up. I was scheduled 1-10 but they still sent me home around 9 (I was there 5:30 AM-noon last year). Then Sunday I was there 11-6 and they sent me home just before 5, still giving me an unpaid 30 minute break that otherwise I wouldn’t have taken since they let me go early. I hate when they do that.

We have all the seasonals and I’m sure a lot of them want to stay on. There is one new girl in skincare that seems like she transferred from Georgia so I’m sure she will stay and take up hours. It’s been over a year and I’m as disillusioned as ever about getting stable hours at that place, even just a guaranteed 15/week would be nice but even that seems impossible. Cori is done with his internship on the 11th and will be looking for something else. Maybe it’s time I do, too. I can still work at Sephora but I’ve told them again and again I would like more hours and it falls on deaf ears. And I like skincare and don’t want to go into color to get those hours.

I’ve actually had the last 3 days off. Felt sick yesterday and today. And of course I work the next 3 days. I don’t feel seriously awful, but my skin is super tender and I feel vaguely nauseated and have been having minor chills. No fever though.

Anthony (from Sephora, he also works at a salon right next to UC–actually right across the street from where I was previously going) cut my hair on Tuesday–it needed it so bad. Looks awesome now. He commented on how many grey hairs I have (which in turn I had mentioned to him months ago) and he suggested taking a B supplement and see if that helps, and to give it a few months. My mom had her first grey hair a year or two after having me, around age 35. I was technically 27 when I found my first one. I guess all my stress is getting to me. Or it’s genetics. But I think it’s stress.

Speaking of which, I still haven’t been contacted about getting a new counselor and I keep forgetting to call the clinic, so hopefully I can do that tomorrow or Monday; see what’s going on.

All in all things are going okay at this very moment but these things change so quickly. They are milling and paving the roads in our neighborhood so we’ve been having to park about 6 blocks over, but I’m glad they’re doing it before we get snow.

Aside from that, I want to go to the Christmas lights at the Cincinnati Zoo again, so we should probably plan to do that soon. I think next week is the last week we can go at a discount, maybe Wednesday since Cori’s last official class is Tuesday. I’m a nerd and love Christmas lights.

Meant to finish decorating today but the sick feeling kept me from finishing… Plus our landlord has barely been putting the heat on so it’s been 65 during the day and 60 at night. Thank god I brought a space heater with me from home. I can’t wait until we are in a bigger apartment so I can really decorate.. Like I said, I’m a nerd, and the more outlets and surfaces we have, the better. And we don’t have many of either here.

Now I’m going to sleep.

Last updated December 04, 2015

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