Wildfires in Talk Story

  • Aug. 17, 2015, 8:45 p.m.
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On my walk along the ocean today… I couldn’t help but be aware of all the haze and smoke in the air…

There are a significant number of wildfires in both Oregon and California…

Hot and dry terrain… very warm temperatures… drought conditions… are taking a toll on the people fighting these fires…

There is no fire close to my home… but then there were no fires close to where fires are now burning out of control…

Last week a pickup truck drove through town… and shortly thereafter… while dragging its muffler… it started five fires just north of town on the 101 highway…

Locals put out the fires… the truck was eventually stopped… and the driver was cited… but this is an example of just how vulnerable we are…

It’s only the middle of August… and any significant rain won’t appear until October… making it a very long fire season…

Aloha oe…

dream seeker August 17, 2015

I have another friend on here who is in California. She's talking about the fires, too. I hope you both stay safe. I've only seen a fire like that once and it was horrifying. The whole mountain seemed to be on fire. :(

aunty EM August 19, 2015

Be alert, Jim, and stay safe.

🌻StillJustMe🌸 August 24, 2015

TruNorth August 24, 2015

That's a real worry. Hope you remain safe.

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