Monday in Talk Story

  • Aug. 11, 2015, 3:48 a.m.
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  • Public


After a nice quiet weekend… I found myself busy with chores this morning… still not happy about cleaning bathrooms (smiles)… though I do okay with the rest of the nest…

I met two women friends for a meal at Khun Thai… decided to treat them to lunch…

Just returned from my daily walk to the ocean…

With all that has gone on in my life… more and more I realize how blessed I am to live here on the southern coast of Oregon…

Spilledperfume August 11, 2015


Silent Echo/Quiet Storm August 11, 2015

please tell me who likes to clean the bathroom! i know of no one. i hate it but, it's one of those things that has to be done at least once a week. i try so hard not to make a mess... i wipe the mirror every other day... more if i get toothpaste on it. i wipe the sink down daily. i clean the toilet whenever it needs it. the tub... i clean it a bit during every shower. i shake the rugs once in a while. i'm not prone to dropping stuff on the floor so it doesn't need sweeping all that often. still i really don't like having to clean the bathroom.

you sound content if not happy. i'm glad for you.

take care,

dream seeker August 11, 2015

It sounds like like is going peaceful and happy for you. :)

^..^Kat August 11, 2015

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