Veterans of Cupcake Wars in Boredoms

  • June 11, 2015, 6:33 a.m.
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  • Public

Those that remember serving in the Cupcake Wars remember only blood…blood and frosting, covering the battlefields

So, I had a pretty long work day (due to helping out with an extra store) but the end of it has been pretty great. I went over to see Roxy for a little bit today and she’s been getting super into Cupcake Wars and we watched that for a time. We also did some serious talk, exchanging stories of bad experiences. It means a great deal to me that she’s feeling more comfortable around me and is okay sharing some stuff. She was gushing about my haircut and it made blush a lot…not visibly since my skin doesn’t really show that very clearly. The big highlight was that we very much made out. Until now we had kissed mostly in little bits at a time but we got some good time in this round. It was pretty fantastic and I’m feeling very good right now. We also cuddled a bit afterwards which was great because A. I’m a cuddler, and B. She’s not been as keen on constant contact so far so it was good. :-)

Waiting For Sunrise June 11, 2015

Yay, this sounds great! I'm so happy for you that things are going well.... Cupcake Wars followed by making out and topped off with cuddling is definitely a very good evening! :)

Deleted user June 12, 2015

Yeah, snuggles! I hope you guys have a good weekend :)

ICanDoASumbersault Deleted user ⋅ June 12, 2015

Well, I don't think we'll be able to meet up this weekend.

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