I'VE GOT WORDS!! ***Age Of Ultron Spoilers** in The Book about general Kingly related things.

  • May 14, 2015, 4:13 a.m.
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Specifically about all this riff raff about it being sexist and shit. Which is total bullshit! Just pathetic people needing to bitch about something. It’s fucking pathetic. And you know what this sort of expands into my view of society today. Trying so hard to find a fucking cause to make a big deal out of. Now I am not saying this issues aren’t there. Of course they are. That’s the ugly part of what makes humanity both disgusting and beautiful. The variety. Guess what…some people are going to try to keep different demographics down. It’s human nature. Just as the prejudice is towards one demographic the response from that demographic is just as ugly. Homosexual community vs bible thumping bigots. The black community vs the police (I sort of roll my eyes here…to an extent) So lets count The black community vs Uneducated closed minded fools. Now, I have to say that there is a portion of the black community that pretty much asks for it. I am all for different cultures and shit. I mean....fucking hell that is what makes life beautiful is everything that is so different, but all the events as of late with the police shootings…which I am in no way justifying. That is flat out wrong. Police should serve and protect. There are means to subdue an individual without fatal force. That should always be the first option. However, I understand that the police are putting their lives on the line, and they don’t know if a person is armed or how they will react. I expect the police to read situations better than they have in all these current tragic events. I got a little side-tracked, but the portion of the black community…and it extends beyond the black community. There are plenty of white, hispanic, etc etc people that do this same shit. The shit I am referring to is the gang violence, the music…jesus christ the music. But I will come back to the music point. The destroying your own neighborhood to make a point? Fucking stupid. Now Martin Luther King; Jr. was an incredible man. Mad respect. And the quote that has been thrown around, “A riot is the language of the unheard.” Yes, this is true. But you know what really worked? Peaceful protests. The protests that really made waves…were ones where the protesters were peaceful and the bigots became violent. Attacking those making a simple peaceful statement for something that really really matters. (Not saying that police gunning people down and killing them doesn’t matter) But the plights of our society today....are NOTHING compared to SLAVERY. SEGREGATION. The real sexism of yesteryear. Where women were viewed only as their gender role portrayed them. House wives. Cooking…cleaning…mothering…etc etc. This new age feminism and anti-racism movements are a fucking joke. I’m sorry. Yes there is racism and sexism…there always will be cases of that. Evil will always exist. It’s part of the balance of the world.
Let me get something perfectly clear here. I am in no way overgeneralizing. I am well aware that there are different situations, circumstances, etc. etc. And people will always be different. Gender, sexuality, race, heritage, whatever is irrelevant. I am simply remarking on cases that happen. There are a reason there are stereotypes. Because there is some support of a general grouping of these individuals. Not saying every asian is good at math, or every african american is a gangster. Which for the record I have little to no respect for the modern age of gangs. (well…not that I have respect for gangs in general). There is an education factor for certain communities and what have you. And that is an issue. As far as women go....you are all Queens. I have mad respect for women. What I don’t have respect for…is this notion of having to be superior to men to qualify yourselves as equal. “I’m a woman so give me this…but treat me as an equal.” That’s not how it works. You want something…you earn it. Again not saying that women don’t earn respect, I am referring to this modern feminist movement. You want me to be a gentleman, but treat you as an equal? So I shouldn’t hold the door. Pull out your chair. Ask you out. Propose. Fix your car. open that pickle jar. Reach something. Get you flowers all the time. Just because you are a woman? No see I would do those things because I am kind. Or I love you. A simple thing really. I respect my fellow man. And that saying includes women....so pull the stick out of your ass. It’s merely gender roles and what typical society expects. And you know what....most of these modern feminists....still play into these fucking gender roles instead of practicing what they are proposing to preach. They still want all the benefits of the gender roles....but want more. It’s greedy. Now I am not setting this as men are oppressed. Men are not. However, most women assume all men to be chauvinist assholes who just want to fuck. Spoiler Alert....Not true. And continuing on about the gender roles. Typically speaking…men approach women they are interested in. That in itself puts power in the woman’s hands. You have the choice to accept or reject our advances. I for one am super confident, and I am totally open. If I am interested in you....chances are you know it. I will flat out tell you. What happens from there is your choice. Now even though I am super confident, there are times that I lack that confidence to approach a beautiful woman and introduce myself. Guess what ladies, even if you have no interest in being anything more to the person that swallows their pride and puts themselves out there like that…they deserve the respect to at least get a conversation. Or even a chance. It boils down to respecting each other. Regardless. Now I understand not everyone deserves your utmost respect. But initially speaking, you should have a basic respect for everyone until they prove otherwise.

Now back to what really sparked this rant. Age of Ultron. So after Age of Ultron launched there was backlash and rage over the portrayal of the female protagonists in the film. Claiming it as sexist bullshit and what not. Now, Mark Ruffalo....The Hulk....tweeted this…
Now maybe Marvel isn’t producing as much Black Widow Merch…but let’s take a look real quick at the other characters Captain America…Hulk…Iron Man…Thor…The Big Four of the Avengers comics. Remember this. Now…that also being said…if his nieces and daughters want the merch, doesn’t that show that Black Widow is a role model of sorts. A strong character that little girls admire....OVER THEIR FATHER/UNCLE PLAYING THE HULK!!!! Besides that, it is an action movie…a comic book movie…and in business you have to target the audience…you can not deny that typically speaking comics, explosions, fight scenes, killer robots, etc etc. attracts the male audience a bit more. Again..there are always exceptions, especially nowadays. Super heroes are on fire. Comics are getting a bit of a boom again, with a new Secret Wars run going. Hawkeye comics are incredible. Comics are back in…with boys and girls alike. But it is a business…and in any business you have a target audience. And that audience typical includes young boys, and comic fans that grew up that want to see their child hood heroes (Cap, Iron Man, Spidey, the FF, etc. etc.) on the screen and they want the source material to be respected. In doing so you have to give the big names the spotlight. Captain and Iron Man are easily two of the fan favorites. Hell, I have recently encountered more Hulk fans than I knew there were. lol. Anyhow, let’s continue…
The interview where Evans and Renner jokingly calling Black Widow a slut. The interviewer was inquiring about the potential relationship between Hawkeye (Renner) or Cap (Evans) and how she is now with Hulk. Renner responded “She’s a slut.” Jokingly. Now it was about the character. A simple joke. Look at the previous movies. Hawkeye and her clearly were teased as having a history in Avengers 1. The reference to Budapest. The connecting after overcoming Loki’s mind control. Or let’s even venture into Winter Soldier. She wore a little arrow necklace…referencing Hawkeye. Now after Age of Ultron we see that they are simply really close. She is Auntie Nat to Hawkeye’s kids for fucks sake. So they are just close.
So let’s look at Cap. The working relationship between them. Yeah it had chemistry. There were scenes that were kind of flirtatious. I see that. SO it was somewhat teased of a relationship between Cap and Natasha. However, let’s look at the Black Widow character. A female spy assassin. A beautiful spy assassin. You know spies do. Infiltrate. You know when people are at their most vulnerable? When seduced. In sexual situations. Her beauty is a weapon. A tool. Her flirting…partially a deflection method, but also a way to get what she needs. Black Widow is a flirt. That’s part of the character. She uses sexuality to infiltrate. What is most mens’ weakness? How’s the saying go? We only have enough blood to fuel one head at a time? Regardless, the comment was a fucking joke. A funny one. But of course. If you are in the public eye…you can’t make jokes like that.
Then comes the presentation of “Mommy Widow” with the whole her not being able to bear children due to what they did to her in the Red Room. She is shown as a motherly figure that mourns the fact that she can’t have children. This ladies and gentleman is called characterization. Think about it. She was born to be a spy assassin. And yet, she got out....sorta. She became part of a family. Clint’s family…but part of it. She has pseudo-niece/nephew. She is part of a team that has saved the world. THE WORLD. She’s done terrible things, but also great things. And you know what, the choice to have children was taken from her. And now she’s an adult. Let’s refer to another saying…the saying about wanting something you can’t have. Naturally, she would want children. She was raised in a terrible place, trained to do terrible things, and now she is out and things are going good, of course she would think about the future, and of course the thought of children would come to thought. It’s fucking characterization. Of both her and Banner.
This sexist shit is a fucking joke. Especially in the Age of Ultron case.

You want some quick little notes. Black Widow is THE REASON the Avengers got The Vision, and she got taken to do it. Self-sacrifice. You know who else did that. Jesus. Just sayin’. (slight joke lol) How about this…SHE tamed the HULK. You know…the one Avenger that could go off the handle and level a city....that in the comics gets LAUNCHED INTO SPACE BECAUSE OF HIS UNCONTROLLABLE RAGE!!! You know what....she willing chose to bring out “the big guy” because she had confidence in him. Alright? How about Scarlet Witch. Oh Idk....she just defended the trigger SOLO. She defied the fucking mind gem and released the doctor from it’s control. For those of you don’t know…that is a fucking infinity stone....you know....once of the stones…that have incredible power. But ok....how about this…SHE TORE OUT ULTRON’S METAL HEART. And she hasn’t even begun to tap into her powers. But that’s ok.
Now, one person on my facebook feed…I work with…is a transgender individual. (I don’t give a damn about that), but they bitched about it claiming it was a sexist movie too. Claiming that Black Widow didn’t get enough lines or some shit. Well, about that. Actions speak louder than words....and as I stated above…she is crucial and her actions were SUPER important. But, okay. How about screen time? You want numbers? I have em.
Captain America: 50:25
Iron Man 45:34
Black Widow 33:07
QuickSilver 26:43 (for obvious reasons he had to get a bit more screen time)
Banner/Hulk: 23:55
Scarlet Witch: 20:59
Hawkeye: 19:56
Thor: 14:18
Vision: 8:41

Black Widow had the 3rd most screen time. Only behind the 2 main characters that are at the same time setting up Civil War. So they obviously get the msot screen time. So really of the supporting cast…Black Widow was the top. She out-did Hulk and THor and Hawkeye....you know who they characterized the most in the movie? Hulk and Hawkeye. You know who are 2 of the big names of the Avengers? Hulk and Thor. Scarlet Witch…had more time than Thor and Hawkeye. One of the big 4, and one of the most characterized....So yeah....sure…totally a sexist film. Even though Scarlet Witch…also managed to really handle the entire team of Avengers herself. And was shown to be mega powerful. Black Widow…is literally the reason the Avengers managed to save the day. So sure.. believe that nonsense. And people want to attack this movie as sexist....all the while the op hit songs of this generation are constantly degrading women and treating them as objects. The twerk movement. Try and tell me that isn’t sexualized…and born from the genre of music that is degrading women left and right. So sure…choose that battle.

And then today that same person posts about Mad Max....an article about how it draws the ire of men’s rights activists…with the comment of “Yesssss, Seeing this for sure this weekend.” really? How is that not fucked up in the other direction? Deciding to go see a movie strictly based on teh fact that it offends a demographic? I am sure that these men activists are just as retarded as the other people I have talked about in this. You want to shit on the Avengers because of claims of sexism and yet praise a different movie for supposedly being sexist in the other direction? Makes sense doesn’t it? You want to act like your cause is so righteous and that you are soooo right, but then you are going to support the inverse of the same thing you are offended about? You can’t claim to want equality and at the same time cheer on something that puts down another demographic. How is that equality? That is supremacy. Not equality. You literally are presenting yourself as a giant moronic hypocrite.
Why can’t a movie just be a movie. You know what makes life a whole hell of a lot more enjoyable? When you pull the stick out of your ass and enjoy things for what they are. Instead of constantly trying to have some political point or statement. Or always trying to have a fucking cause.

It’s human nature. Humanity needs to divide and label shit. Religion. Politics. Sexuality. Race. Heritage. Etc. Etc. Our race divides ourselves naturally. It just is how we are. But guess what. None of these divisions matter. There will always be differing views and opinions and beliefs and tastes and what have you, but guess what. We claim to be civilized? Advanced? We aren’t civilized or advanced…we can barely coexist without fighting constantly. It’s pathetic. Now that doesn’t mean I am socialist or what have you. A man is entitled to the sweat on his brow. You earn your shit, and that is yours. To do with as you please. You shouldn’t have to take care of lazy people. That being said, there are circumstances in which it isn’t just freeloaders and lazy assholes. But, you shouldn’t work hard to have someone else reap the benefits, unless you choose to share the benefits.

Sorry about this rant. just things kinda set me off.

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