Judas No More in Boredoms

  • April 27, 2015, 10:42 p.m.
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The very last piece of the show is over. We met up today to go over the show, what we thought was great or what needed work. Mostly, we just showered each other with compliments as best we could. It was a very sad evening but I have the video of the show now and pictures! Here’s one!

Afraid photo 20150410_0140_scho_zpsaxi0m3p9.jpg

Aren’t I “handsome”?

Deleted user April 27, 2015

You are a dashing young man! Like, seriously. Love the beard.

ICanDoASumbersault Deleted user ⋅ April 28, 2015

The beard is very gone, I'm afraid. It was very scratchy. I also felt that keeping it would give people a false impression that I was considerably more manly than I really am.

Deleted user ICanDoASumbersault ⋅ April 28, 2015

I bet it was scratchy! That's probably why I wouldn't be able to grow the biggest beard if I were capable of such a thing.

ICanDoASumbersault Deleted user ⋅ April 28, 2015

I try not to let my facial hairs get too far past stubble point. It's fun then because I can use my chin to scratch my arm or hands or whatever if I get an itch. Feels pretty good.

Deleted user ICanDoASumbersault ⋅ April 28, 2015

I can do that with my leg hair! But not really. Because I never get that scratchy. It must be a different type of ... hair strength?... that can get that stubbly and rough like sandpaper.

ICanDoASumbersault Deleted user ⋅ April 28, 2015

Yeah, my Mexican side produces very coarse facial hair.

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