The Storm in Talk Story

  • April 7, 2015, 6:26 p.m.
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We have had several days and nights of very heavy rain… strong winds… and lots of thunder and lightning…

My rain gauge shows almost ten inches since Saturday night…

The ocean has been quite turbulent… big waves crashing onto the shore…

This afternoon the sun finally appeared…
And while tempted to go and wash my car… we have more rain in the forecast in a few days…


While those of us who live in Oregon have been blessed with an abundance of water… California to the south of us is suffering from extreme drought conditions…

I’m headed out for a short walk to the beach… as soon as I hit save…! (smiles)

🌻StillJustMe🌸 April 07, 2015

I found you! I had wondered several times about you since OD's big closure. Hope you're doing well.

dream seeker April 07, 2015

Wow! We've had quite a few inches, but nowhere near 10! I hope you enjoyed your walk on the beach!

TruNorth April 07, 2015

California was always a dry area which has been made worse by the huge unsustainable number of people who migrated there. Of course there is a water problem in an area that naturally had little water to begin with and a massive influx of people who want to use vast quantities of water to grow lawns, wash cars and fill swimming pools. Why do people insist on settling areas of land that are natural deserts?

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