The Floral Delivery one Friday 1969.. Highschool summer workday memories in in Misc. Thoughts opinions, the whole trash can.

  • March 28, 2015, 7:48 a.m.
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It was a summer afternoon. Warm, no chance of storms, and the sky was bright blue. I was working in the greenhouse, in the back cooler, watering the azalea plants that were kept there. Mr Graul would ship them in, unpotted, then they would go, after placing them in clay pots they were watered and held in the cooler. During the year, we would bring them out of hibernation. They were placed in the center house, and allowed to flower out.

Mr Graul, says “When you finish this, help Joe load up, grab the old delivery truck load that up and head to Our Lady of Mt Carmel Catholic Church this Funeral is big and we need two trucks to handle.

I get Joe loaded up, and get the 64 Chevy panel wagon. Joe had most of the elaborate flower arrangements, about twelve of them. They were secured, and I would help him bring those in. I had three large standing sprays and the casket spray.

Joe was in his late ‘60’s early ‘70’s, always in dress pants, a white dress shirt and a tie. He also wore a fedora. Me, I’m in blue jeans and a white t-shirt, stained with all the accoutrements of working in the greenhouse.

We arrive around 36th Avenue and Navajo at Our Lady of Mt Carmel . There will be a Friday night mass, and service. This is followed by a Saturday Morning service then burial. It was a big Italian Funeral. It was elaborate and the service would start in 2 hours . The Funeral Home was already there, with the deceased. I help, Joe unload his flowers, and start getting the sprays out of the truck. I bring in the casket spray in. This thing is like a small blanket. The Mortician, says” I am ready for you to place this on the casket. I will help you position it”. We get it placed, and I said I had three standing sprays to bring in as well. Joe shows with one of them, I grab the other two. We set those up, make sure the legs are extended and locked into place, and that they are steady and won’t tip.

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Our Lady of Mt Carmel is still in operation in this old North Denver Italian neighborhood.

We are done at the Church. It’s getting close to 500 pm, so I know Joe is going to dawdle home. He’ll make sure, he’s delayed in rush hour traffic. I take 29th Avenue home. It will be faster, and I am sure Mr.Graul will have some late afternoon deliveries, waiting. I stop at the stop sign at 29th Avenue. Guess what starts to show? A Funeral procession from Olingers 16th Mortuary 10 blocks down.

The motorcycle escorts race by, this might be a good chance to get across town quick. The last vehicles in the procession are pickup trucks. I slide in behind and turn my lights on. None of Delivery trucks are marked. No name, no phone number, just a plain vehicle. I am part of the parade with the deceased. They are heading to Crown Hill Cemetery. All I need is to get past Sheridan Blvd, and I can drift back. Turn off on Pierce Street and head to 44th Avenue and to the shop. Hey I’m 17 years old. I have this figured out. No harm, no foul. I am three blocks from Pierce and I start drifting back, the escorts are up about 5 blocks, at the next light. I slow a little more, and turn onto Pierce, shut the lights off. The Funeral procession will be at Crown Hill in another five or six minutes.

I arrive at the shop, and check in. ” I have a two residences, and 8 Lutheran Hospitals, run ‘em up there”. “Okay.” “Where’s Joe?” “Probably stuck in traffic on 38th”. I got back faster than they figured.

Marty,one of the younger designers came back. He told me that Mr Graul, was concerned I got across town so fast. I told him what I had done. He chuckled and said “You’re kidding right?”.. “No, I caught them coming from Olinger’s 16th, and ducked off at Pierce St. I came here on 44th”. He still is smiling. I leave with the deliveries.

I get back about 600 pm, the shop is closed for the day. I check one more time, before I put the truck away. “Lock it up and start cleaning up. AND !!! don’t get in a Funeral Procession again”. “Yes sir”. Joe arrived and went home, about 10 minutes before I came back from Lutheran and the other deliveries, so he wouldn’t have to make that last run.

All part of Joe’s plan…

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