Flash friday absence thereof and stuff sans edit or sense; sanssense in Flash Friday

  • March 20, 2015, 6:19 p.m.
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I was going to write a flash tonigh. I guess I can call it today. Doesn’t matter I’m already actively not writing one. The throbbing in my ear is now a visual too, I fully expect a throbbing smell, taste and tactile throb. It’s possible I am developing migraines. It’s impossible to tell. The way some people describe them it sounds worse than a GSW, like a GSW every ten seconds for a week. TV commercials for migraine pain medication don’t do much to dispel that either. And then there are the folks who seem to have a perpetual migraine because, I think, they don’t want to sleep with me. Heh. I’m kidding. Everyone wants to sleep with me. I mean have sex, not sleep.

I tried on and off all day to think of a single flash Friday idea, in-between GS’s (that’s gun shots not German Shepard’s) the only one that even tried to stick was some goofy dialogue about a guy named James joining some group (I hadn’t decided what sort of group yet, baseball team, platoon, office) and there already being too many, a list ending with Jimmy the Saint and the guy, the new James asks “The saint? Why? Does he brim over with moral turpitude? Why not Jimmy the Douche?” and so that’s what they call him. There was something about Jimmy the Spade, the new james accuses the group of racism, the leader says it’s because he’s shovel faced and considers Jimmy the Cracker for the new James. Like I said, no ideas at all.

Fiction in general isn’t always that easy. It’s a lot like lying only it’s very important you are sincere. You can be grandiose, outrageous, bald faced and butt flapped, but you have to be sincere. I didn’t write the rules, today I don’t think I could even make the bullet points.

I wrote a song about my second marriage, I mean about the trip to go get married, the chorus was something like — We told each other everything, we told pretty lies, driving up to Coer D’Alene under painted August Skies. She thought it was romantic and set it to music. It was just descriptive, there was no deeper layer to telling pretty lies. That’s what people mean by the honeymoon period, that and no farting in bed and stuff like that. In practice honesty is a pretty good idea. I know, nobody who agrees with Walt Disney or your Mom knows shit from shinola (you can also tell by looking at their shoes), but, you also can’t hold in your farts forever.

I am so out of practice with both lying and writing fiction that I can’t make a distinction between the two, at least not while everything is throbbing. There is one obvious distinction; when you tell someone it’s fiction they expect it to be untrue, sort of, I mean untrue as in it-didn’t-happen-to-me-or-anyone-I-know. It’s sort of like the problem with all time travel stories; there is no such thing as time travel. Heh. But all of them have some delimma as part of the plot, an added conflict. Fiction needs conflict, for that matter so does non fiction. War Movies and Westerns are entire genre’s because there is conflict, no one watchs or reads peace accord books/movies or farming stories about, say, planting corn, tending it, harvesting it, selling some and storing some. Kill someoine in a corn silo and all of a sudden people wake up to read or watch some more. I suppose a heated argument or sex scene in a corn silo would work too, but that seems like an awful lot of trouble for the author to set up. Though, honestly, for the male audience there doesn’t need to be much logic to a sex scene

“Wanna do it?”


“How about in the corn silo?”

“That’ll work.”

I’ve made a few discoveries about vaping and could write a few pages on these discoveries, but no one here cares and folks on vaping community sites care way too fucking much. The short of it without specifics, I think the technology has outgrown the need. I mean they come up with newer, cooler, harder Corier shit every day, but it’s all overkill. Sure a bonfire is better than a bic lighter, but it’s no where near as practical for lighting a candle. Hmmmm, yeah, that’s what I mean but it’s way too general. Oh well, no sense in telling folks who are never going to use a product how much overkill the product they aren’t going use would be when they were not using it. Um, an example, not what I’m talking about, but it fits in there and is relatable; I have an e-cig with blue tooth; I can answer my phone with it or listen to music from my tablet. Why? Because last year it was two hundred buck and this week it was fifteen with free shipping. It smokes ok. I haven’t answered my phone with it yet. I might not ever.

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