Day 12 in NoJoMo13

  • Nov. 13, 2013, 3:51 a.m.
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  • Public

99% of the time I like my job. I don't really know what to say about the 1% I'm not thrilled with it. I mean I don't know anyone who doesn't have those days they just want to walk out. But, for me most of the time I enjoy why I do. I went to school to work in a lab and I do. I am able to utilize my skills and continue to learn regularly. Is it my dream job? Probably not. I'd say a job in a research lab, specifically caver research would be top of the list, but it's hard to get in to those, they're not always stable (due to funding) and I would have to continue my education to even qualify. Right now there are more important factors in my life than to persue my dream job.

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