Sometimes we forget what we're on about, part 2 in The irresistible Urge To Play with Light

  • Nov. 16, 2014, 8:22 a.m.
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(cont’d from previous)
Trick eye was pretty cool.

It’s a place set up to create illusions.

Fig 1

which become doubly funny when you see the reality.

Fig 2

And the fun really kicks in when you start playing with what’s on offer

Fig 3

It allows you to construct a new world

Fig 4

A world of possibilities

Fig 5

Maybe even of impossibilities

fig 6

It tells us that the strange can be embraced

Fig 7

That it’s all in the spirit of fun.

Fig 8

Fig 9

We’re not here to impress people; we’re not here to indulge in a popularity contest.
We’re not here to perform for some arbitrary authority who gets to declare if you’re doing it right or wrong.

FIg 10

We know who we are.

Fig 11

We know who we want to be

We don’t have to be caged by fear any more by being complicit in the petty restrictions defined by those who set themselves above us.

Fig 12

Because ultimately, all these masks and props and costumes serve only one thing: By allowing us to express aspects of our character in the guise of someone else, it leads us, bit by bit, back to our own core.

Fig 13

And if it weren’t so much fun, there would already be a word to describe it:


fig 14

But don’t take it too serious, yeah?

All images from [my Trickeye album here]. (

And thanks are due to Stephanie Snowheart and her crew at Singapore Cosplay Club for their tireless work in making it fun, nonthreatening and accessible.

Fig 1 and 2: Saga Kei as… er, I’m not sure

Fig 3: Me as Dante

Fig 4: Yukiteru Setsu, Hao as Aoba, Jinko Bells, Uehara Zousaku as Clear and Takanashi Shinya (the two named are from Dramatical Murder. I know nothing else.)

Fig 5: I have no idea, but that pug is in big trouble

Fig 6: Caffeine as Kaito, from Vocaloid

Fig 7: Sxcheinz Lee Ryuki as Rin from Free! (I think)

Fig 8: Max Levi Han Hart as Sub-Zero, with a random kid who thought he was awesome.

Fig 9: Jia Sheng Ryuki, demonstrating Gosei Red’s many talents

Fig 10: Me, as Dante again.

Fig 11: Shirley Chua as the Fairy Godmother. I’m not sure if this is a loaner or a midseason upgrade.

Fig 12: Naoko Lee, trapped in heaven somehow

Fig 13 and 14: Me again.

Last updated November 26, 2014

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