How Long? 28.10.13 in Your Face

  • Nov. 2, 2013, 1:38 a.m.
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  • Public

Today a colleague asked me how long I would wait on M before divorcing him. I don't know the answer to that. Past habits indicate that I would wait too long. But it's not at all what I want and I don't believe it's what he wants either. I hate that it has even crossed my mind. It's like a crack forming, it will be in the back of my mind now.

I forgot that I have to pick my sister up from a wedding on Saturday night. It's in the vineyards, so it will be a 2 hour round trip, but I don't mind. She's going to give me $60 and buy fast food if I want something to eat, so that's pretty good. I am scared to spend money at the moment until I know what's happening with my car insurance.

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