Food Bank in Tales of the Jointed Track

  • Dec. 5, 2024, 12:46 p.m.
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Wow been here two years. I got appointed to a team lead. When I started, no one did meat sorting, guess what no one sorted prepared (PREP) foods, no one did dairy. I accepted it! Now it’s all mine. I have a great back up, if I take time off. I do a loader position, by taking the carts to the clients car and returning the cart. Tuesday’s trash me, when I have to do an 8 hour shift. I’m 72, but I thrive on this. I use my old railroad skills and my old railroad management, to get things done. But overall, whose Food Bank is this? Belongs to GOD! He provides! We steward the provision. Whatever we receive. To God Be the Glory. Be well and Be safe all

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