Stormy primary in Hi This is Kat!

  • May 7, 2024, 1:35 p.m.
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  • Public

.... As I typed the title I laughed as Stormy might have a lot to do with this primary hahaha

Stormy primary Election Day in southern Indiana. I voted yesterday. We had to drive back to have Mark’s knee manipulated into moving all the way… after the stitches were removed and the split apart… a leg immobilizer was placed on his leg for three weeks.. scare tissue made it impossible for mark to bend his knee more than 96˚.... They put you under and with force they make the knee bend. OUCH! He is in moderate pain tomorrow should be better.

Ever read someone on here and think they are so full of shit their eyes are brown?

I stepped on the scales and I have now lost 22 pounds! My goal was 20 but 10 more pounds would make my weight normal for my height. I can even see my face is a bit thinner as are my arms. My butt and legs have always been very fit because of all the biking.. all my weight was waist up.

jo has been better but talks horrible about Randy and Cole… at times I feel down down she really hates them… after all she has always told me that I am the only person in the world that she loves… Think that might really be true. She hates to be around them as all the three of them do is argue

xcemeterydawnx May 07, 2024

🙏 for Mark and good for you losing weight, I need to shed a few too. Who’s full of shit?

Jodie May 07, 2024

I don't really wish anyone dead just that they have a horrible accident and will neber be the same...and the only person I wish that upon is my slum lord. Everyone else I have soem feeling for. And who is full of shit? I bet it's me....LOL?

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