Time flies!!(You cannot,so irregular is their flight!) sorry, couldn't resist the old joke! in Majimaze Musing!

  • Oct. 3, 2014, 10:14 p.m.
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Hello there Readers!
Surprise,surprise!I haven’t disappeared off the face of the earth after all.Its just sitting myself down and making up my mind to WRITE!
It has been a busy month and I am happy with it.It is school holidays now and Penny has been doing a heap of nanny jobs and I keep an eye on the grandies next door!Also, for the past three weeks I have been preparing an educational for Toastmasters which I delivered on Monday night!It was a 40 minute educational on Effective and Active listening and required,in preparation, for me to condense a 90 minute presentation to 40 minutes and consisted of an ENTIRE manual!I had to incorporate 3 exercises requiring audience participation and keep everyone from falling asleep with body language and vocal variety!And a Power point slide show!
Four drafts and careful timing and 1 rehearsal later ,I delivered!I had never done a Power Point before and the condensing of the manual was tedious and time consuming to say the least!In the event, I was well pleased with my presentation and so were the audience so that was great.I had 3 evaluators and they had solid constructive criticisms,however, thought I did very well and praised me.
It is very good for the ego and morale to grab these challenges and do your best as you get older.The next day I felt immensly tired,however, strangely exhilerated!Hahaha!It is all art of my Toastmaster Gold award and I only have one more task to complete.I have done 40 speeches already and I am well pleased.

And yes,we had our 3 yearly bunfight for power! Of course I will touch on our General Election as I may forget to.I now have a mental block against the entire affair.It got about as sordid and ghastly as it could be and then the aftermath was dreadful.All because the media made a banquet of it all.I really really am fed up with the media in general and there is not a darn thing I can do about it.I vote Labour.I have done all my adult life as I have always been a worker,have never had enough money to invest, and lived off a benefit while my late beloved Richie couldn’t work for nearly 30 years.At one stage I was a union delegate.
Now ,years later, our Labour Party is in a parlous state.They changed Leaders 3 times in 3 years and factionalism has splintered the unity of the party.I was and will remain loyal to my Labour roots.The New Zealand media of all guises is very right leaning, and so we had this crock of an election.Horrible side issues came out: the current Justice minister resigned when it was revealed that she was feeding inside stuff to a right wing creep of a blogger and it all went downhill from there.I hardly dare mention the other spoiler, a very large, very wealthy,very loud usurper with the unlikely moniker of Kim Dotcom , afugitve from Germany wanted by the FBI for computer crimes with his megaupload site decided to splash $$$$$$ around and captured a whole party of Maori politicians.its OK I am of Maori heritage and vote in a Maori electorate and he was just plain awful.He hates the Prime Minister and wanted to bring the govt down!Sigh!I wouldn’t have minded at all if it had worked,however, all it did was make more voters vote FOR the incumbents and they got back in.Dotcom is just horrible.The one very able maori politician who is not very likeable was ousted as the whole sideshow went down the gurgler!
My party was gutted and left in ghastly disarray, then the media dug into the remains and it was one horrific fortnight for all of us who support it.It now has to reform and review what went so horribly wrong and try to right it enough to survive and hopefully prosper.Enough!!Mental block now back in place!
It is a strange and rather scary world for all of us who inhabit this planet at the moment.I don’t fear for the future so much as I just don’t actually have a clue where we are going!Such dreadful stuff going on in Iraq with Isis and the beheadings,then the USA being seemingly blamed for everything,which is totally untrue and totally unfair and then Ebola and then this climate change uproar:you all know where I stand on that, so I won’t go on, and doom and gloom being threatened in all media,social,print,online,TV and radio, I almost feel guilty for:
2.Enjoying living
3.Smiling and trying to cheer everyone up!
However, that is my way.
Unlike dear Polz,I have given up looking at local ‘rage’ sites on Facebook.Thats what I call these crazy places anyway.The sad perpetrators sit eagerly at their computers, itching to be offended,then proceed to spew venom and nastiness all round.I reckon they are all drunk at their keyboards!I have even given up reading a local blogger whom I like as a person however, she shares the same problem.
I found I was getting very angry myself!Oh dear! ‘Nah’ I said, “Not for Me!’ So I just ignore those sites.I am in touch with my kids,their kids,my nieces and nephews,my grandchildren and a great-grandie and my great-nieces and nephews and great-great nephews and nieces.My in-laws and out laws,my brothers and my friends.As a result of Facebook I have learnt to deal with hackers,viruses and found family I didn’t know existed and chat to family I have never met.Occasionally I rant:not often and certainly not in anger!

I went to my sister-in-law Shirleys 83rd birthday a couple of weeks ago with Janet my eldest.An involved journey.Bus boat train,then to a relly’s then all the way back again.Her family of 11 children organised it.Her husband of 65 years died in May and Penny and I went to his funeral.They are very,very dear to me.It was a HIGH Tea celebration and attendance was cut down to only female and no children,only babies at breast!!Sheer weight of numbers governed the day,Shirley is fine and was in great fettle and it was marvellous!We all wore hats and I met younger ones I never knew,and told the old stories and I wrote a poem and it was lovely.

Jimmy,Janets son who has Crohns disease at 9 years old is going along with a disease that throws up nasty surprises.He was on a liquid diet for 6 weeks to rest his bowel.All it did was make the present fistulas worse and a new one develop!Groan!So he is now trialling a new ant-inflammatory medical infusion as it is an auto-immune disease.He is a real stoic and I adore and admire him so much!!
Well, I guess I will finish this now as the dog needs walking and I need to grab a walk while it is semi fine.We have gale-force winds and squalls and cold!Ugh! C’mon Summer!
I am very well and so are mine and hope you all are too.Smile to strangers and friends,be kind to each other,
God Bless and best love,

leonalia October 04, 2014

Came via Gyspy's page. Very newsy entry. I liked reading what you have been up to
The 83rd sounded like a lovely celebration. And I do feel for Jimmy with that awful disease. It is far more common than most people think. Very hard to live with. Have a great week.

Deleted user October 04, 2014

What a nice entry. :) So glad to see you writing again! I'm glad you aren' t letting the state of the world get to you.

GypsyWynd October 04, 2014

I enjoyed this entry. Sorry Jimmy is still suffering. I hope they find the right treatment for him.
Sad to see that politics and politicians are the same everywhere.
The 83rd birthday tea party sounds delightful.

crystal butterfly October 05, 2014

I hope they can get a handle on Jimmy's health problems and how to treat it. I think the media is much the same everywhere. They pick a party to support and never, ever see any faults with it. We went on vacation for 6 days and got back the the news was the same. Fighting in the middle east that has gone on for 1000s of years. The names just change. Basically all we can do is pray that saner heads can get back into power.

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