30 Day Challenge - All About Me - Day #1 in Creative Writing

  • Oct. 3, 2014, 7:22 p.m.
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Found this randomly doing a google search, I think it’s a pretty cool idea, not sure if I will be able to do all 30 days consecutively but at the very least I will aim to do them all, )

Day 1: Write Ten Facts About Yourself. (You cannot do simple facts such as “I like cheese” and “Red is my favorite color.” They must be long and you must explain each fact.)

  1. I am spiritual but not religious. I believe in evolution, but I also believe that there is a higher power, whether I call it God, or the creator..a label is just a label. I believe in the universe and I believe in ultimate love. I have a firm belief because I can feel the connection. I believe in spirit guides and I believe in the afterlife. I believe that angels exist and they look out for us daily. I believe that I am an old soul and that this isn’t my first trip to this Earth, just my first trip in this entity. I believe there are many people in this world that have a strong spiritual connection, and I know that there are many out there, that don’t even realize it.

  2. I come from a very large family, not my immediate family, but extended. I have over 70 first cousins. I have many cousins and relatives that I have never met. Recently I visited the birth place of my great grandfather, and I could feel the connection. It was very moving. I have an amazing relationship with my immediate family, and though we’ve had our turbulent times, I wouldn’t trade them for anything.I definitely would not be the person I am today without them.

  3. I am bi sexual. Despite that, I have never been in a true serious relationship with either sex. At least not one that I feel has been equal. I have loved, and I know I have been loved, however, the timing is always wrong. I also believe that what is meant to be will be and that one day I will meet my soul mate. I have been single happily for the most part for the past 5 years..I have had many sexual relationships with both sexes although more men, as it took me a long time to come to terms with my sexuality as I come from a very catholic back ground.

  4. I have struggled and sometimes still do with Mental health issues. I have been suffering from depression since my teen age years. However I remember moments from early childhood that lead me to believe that I was born this way, rather than being a product of an environment, as I was raised in a family that had our problems, but there was always love. I am always grateful for that. In the past year, I have done a lot of research and have talked with a counselor and it helped me to realize that I identify as having Borderline personality disorder. Though I am not medicated as I do not believe in it for me personally ( though I can definitely understand why people choose to medicate, and to each their own.) I once believed that I was sexually abused as a child, and have repressed the memories, but it may be just that I was trying to find something to blame my mental health issues on. Whether or not I was, I’m not sure If I will ever know. but either way, I have come to terms with who I am today, and have forgiven myself for everything that has happened in the past, and am living a happy, mostly stable, life.

  5. I am an Empath. In short, a highly sensitive person. I used to be ashamed of it and think it was a bad thing, it really fucked me up…but it’s part of who I am, and I am no longer ashamed. I am proud and now that I have realized, I have more control over it and my life. One of the symptoms of bpd is being overly empathetic. However I don’t think it’s just a symptom, It’s a way of life for me. I cry at television commercials, I can’t read the newspaper.. I just cry to much.. Whether it be happy or sad. I need alone time to recharge myself after being around people for to long, especially many people at a time, or certain types of people. In short I absorb or can feel the emotions or other people. I can read people’s energies.

  6. I do not want to have children. I have people that try to argue with me, or persuade me even, that I am wrong, or that one day I will just change my mind. Sure my biological clock ticks just like every other woman, and some days I have a yearning.. but I am 100 % confident that I will never bear children. Solidified by the fact that last year I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder called Sjorgens syndrome, which puts pregnancy for me at a very high risk rate. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love children, but I also love sleeping. and sleeping wins. Call me selfish, call me whatever you want really, I don’t really care, as it’s my life, and should be no one else’s concern. My favourite part about kids is being able to give them back to their parents when I’ve had enough. They exhaust me.

7.I am on a path to constantly try to be a better person. My latest obsession is becoming more healthy.. I’ve always been over weight, a little bit mostly but sometimes a lot. I think that my diet had a huge impact on my mental health issues. In the past 3 years I have quit smoking cigarettes, I have switched from drinking alcohol 3+ times a week, to maybe once a month, and even than it’s just usually casual drinks, not binge drinking like before. I rarely eat fast food anymore, at one point in my life, it was all I ate. I have stopped drinking pop & juices, and now my liquid diet consists of water and usually a cup of tea or two a day. ( at one point I was drinking upwards of 7 cups a day, with cream or milk & sugar, now I drink it black, or the occasional tea with a little milk) I have cut out a lot of excess sugar from my diet. In the past 6 months, I have started eating organic local fruits & vegetables and have really focused on eating more home cooked meals. Though I don’t go to the gym, I prefer at home work out’s, In the past year I have been really focusing on excising more… Growing more consistent within the last few months, I have already lost 15lbs alone since August and I feel better and sexier than I have in my entire life.

  1. If people don’t know me they believe that I am quiet & innocent.... until they get to know me. However I am probably one of the most perverted people around. Nothing sexually really phases me. I don’t judge people. To each their own, as long as no one is getting hurt that doesn’t want to anyway ;) I can’t play the game Never have I ever…because well… I always end up the drunkest haha
    I am the person that usually crosses the proverbial line, with jokes & stories, and normally I don’t just cross it, I leap over it and keep running. I just love the reaction that I get. It makes me laugh and who doesn’t love to laugh. I used to be shy about my sexuality, but since I have really starting embracing who I am, It’s something I really like about myself. Now I am quite open. I can go & have gone for long periods without sex, don’t get me wrong…but I do quite enjoy it, i like trying new things. I also masturbate… a lot.... which of course is great…nothing better than releasing some built up tension ;)

  2. I have crazy ass vivid, movie like dreams. When I was 19 years old I started smoking weed, and to my disbelief, I have found that it’s really the only way that I can have a decent nights sleep for the most part. My dreams are crazy, and as of lately , I have realized that they are probably messages and that I should really start paying attention to them and figure out what it all means. However that being said, it’s exhausting to sleep for like 7 hours and wake up feeling like you were up running around all night. As an example, I have an entry called “Frank” in my book called Dreams, about a horrible nightmare I recently had.. but as a quick example, I went to Vegas last year and obviously I couldn’t’ really smoke weed there, I dreamt that my sisters friend got drunk at a party we were throwing and her dad ended up having to come pick her up, to make a long story short, the dad & I fell in love, but he turned into a severe alcoholic, when I woke up the next morning, I was crying and broken and really felt like in the last 8 hours, I had spent 40 years loving a man, who loved the bottle more than me. It has a crazy emotional impact on me. Sometimes even though obviously I know it’s just a dream, It takes me a long time to transition back into feeling like myself again. It’s very odd feeling & very hard to explain.

  3. Since I left high school 13 years ago, I really stopped expressing myself creatively or really at all. I stopped doing all the things I loved, playing basketball, anything artistic. I took art for 4 years in high school, and despite the scattered project here & there, I painted for the first time in over 7 years a few weeks ago. Same with writing, which in large part is why I’m starting this 30 day challenge, to get the brain flowing, the fingers flying across the keyboard again. I’m also about to start on a book called ‘The Artist’s Way’ I’m very excited about it, I think it will open me up a lot more. Which is always a good thing. I sang in the church choir and the school choir up until high school, and I never sang again until about 8 years ago when I discovered my love for karaoke..but even still it’s been over a year since I’ve gone & done that. I do try to make it a point to sing my heart out a few times a week though, it’s such a good stress reliever for me. Unleashing my creative will be the next step on my path that I mentioned in point 7.

I don’t know why My entry keeps appearing with the 1,2,3, where the 8,9,10 should be.. when I go into edit, it shows it the way I have written it, which is the way it should be, but I have spent to much time writing this to delete it, or to keep trying to edit it, so it’s staying the way it is lol

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