ascites in Hi This is Kat!

  • Oct. 3, 2023, 1:57 a.m.
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  • Public

Jo came over to eat last night. I try to get her here every other day so she can eat a healthier meal than fast food or no food! I grilled ribeyes and made a salad with sautéed mushrooms for the steak… Mark got a taken potato but I knew Jo and I would not eat that much. She gobbled down the steak making yum noises LOL I am happy to see her eat well as she hasn’t eaten well for over a month! We bought her a case of boost glucose control. that is a quick drink that is healthy if she doesn’t feel like eating.

Her belly is getting so big it is alarming to me as she only weighs 100 pounds dripping wet. Her belly button is now starting to pop out a bit. Mine did that when I was pregnant but hers is because of ascites due to cirrhosis. I am not sure if the hospital give her water pills when she left to help it or not. I have asked her several times what meds they sent home with her but she purposely avoids answering me meaning she probably is not taking them or she has lost them.

I really do not know anything about ascites… just what little I have read online and you get drastic different info… What I do know is it is from her liver not working right, it is fluid seeping out from high blood pressure in her veins, water pills and no salt diet helps, it can be drained but I have no idea how bad it has to be… I have no idea why they have not addressed this issue with her.

I do know this is a major marker on decompensated stage but I also know throwing up blood also marks that stage and she has been doing that for 3 years!

and still… she wants to try to take care of me. I told her I was going to replace the pool heater as the past few years it hasn’t really worked well. and she quickly said I will pay half. She knows we have the money but she wants to be a part of this family and adventually wants to live here. I feel sad that we probably won’t roll into out 70’s and 80’s together.

Jodie October 03, 2023

Will you let her live with you? Then what will she do with her condo and home she has? I wish there was more you could do for her but you are doing what you can and I think you are a great friend to her...

theKat Jodie ⋅ October 03, 2023

yes when she get really bad I will move her here to take care of her. She has not been in the condo for probably 2 years... it just sits there. Her house Cole will continue to live in, she also have a business with a bedroom and a cabin but she needs someone to help her and there is no help at any of those places

Jodie theKat ⋅ October 03, 2023

so where is she living now if not at any of these places?

theKat Jodie ⋅ October 03, 2023

she lives at the shop and at her house and she stays at the casino 4 nights a week

Sleepy-Eyed John October 03, 2023


Dinner sounds nice.

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