the most stylish jacket this year in Hi This is Kat!

  • Oct. 1, 2023, 2:39 p.m.
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  • Public

So… I bought this jacket at a yard sale this weekend and ordered white fabric paint! I was soooo excited.
I knew exactly what I wanted to do.....

Guessing a few you you will understand this post…

So I wrote this on the back of the jacket and it was easy to do because it needed to be sloppy… actually mine is a bit too neat but it works!!!!! so do you know the purpose behind this jacket… maybe this picture will help?

This is what Melania Trump wore to let people know she really did not care… She wore this jacket in Texas to the epicenter of family separation letting us know she really did not care!

So here is my statement

Sleepy-Eyed John October 01, 2023

Hmmmm. Neato!

theKat Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ October 01, 2023

yeah kinda making fun of Melania but she did it on purpose to let everyone know she does not care about anything political

Sleepy-Eyed John theKat ⋅ October 01, 2023

Right ya. I don't know much about her, but I think she's one of the better ones of that whole group.

theKat Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ October 01, 2023

she was a high dollar hooker when trump met her thinking was was into porn

Sleepy-Eyed John theKat ⋅ October 01, 2023

Right. Hmmmm. Is that literally true?

theKat Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ October 01, 2023

yes it is true.

Sleepy-Eyed John theKat ⋅ October 01, 2023

I can't find any proof of that via a cursory online search....

theKat Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ October 01, 2023

trump had most removed... but I have seen posts myself.... google how trump meet her that might tell something

Sleepy-Eyed John theKat ⋅ October 01, 2023

Right. Hmmmmm.

Jodie October 01, 2023

I totally understand what that jacket means and when she wore it people were not too nice baout it. She wore it at the wrong time and wrong place.
By the way Marina seemed to have blocked me or left. If she should show up to your space let me know and what she says. I knew thiis wouldn't last long. I just wonder what I said or did?

theKat Jodie ⋅ October 01, 2023

true... she wore it to send a message just as I will wear mine to send a message lol

Jodie theKat ⋅ October 01, 2023

What is the reason you will wear it?

theKat Jodie ⋅ October 01, 2023

I will wear it to let people know I care and I am not like Melania... she is a snobby bitch

Jodie theKat ⋅ October 01, 2023

oh okay.

theKat Jodie ⋅ October 01, 2023

it is an anti republican message LOL

Jodie theKat ⋅ October 01, 2023

Good...But I don't think many will understand the joke.

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