Zoloft makes me want to beat my husband in Just Life

  • Aug. 11, 2023, 6:35 a.m.
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I upped my Zoloft so ease my depression instead it made me sad and ticked me off when I deal with stupid people. It’s very out of character to snap and fly off the handle for hardly any reason. I guess I will need to talk to my Dr for him to adjust my medication. My husband when he was helping us load garbage in the U-Haul truck he wanted to blare music. I told him turn it down. You will disturb the neighbors. He screamed eff the neighbors and turned it higher before I realized what happened I cussed him out in front of his mom. I told him listen and be respectful it be a bitch at home. We argued till his mom separated us. I am tired of his ignorance. His mom and I send him home after we hauled the 1,905 pounds to trash to the dump. Getting rid of him his mom asked if I was ok. My fibromyalgia and headache was getting to me. I told her I was overstimulated and he pushed me over. I know he just got fired but damn I wish he would go back to work.

Nocturne August 11, 2023

I take Zoloft at night to help me sleep, but holy geez... wow! :oq

Deleted user August 11, 2023

Zoloft lowers anxiety for most people, but for some it and its siblings can be stimulating.

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