1.Your perfect sleeping environment. I like to sleep on my side with one arm under my pillow...lol

2.Your favorite sandwich. Not sure I have a fav[maybe Ham] but last night I had a Summer time fav: Mayo and Tomato

3.Your favorite outdoor activity. Walking

4.Your perfect vacation. Any place away from work...lol

5.Your ideal way to relax. Since I deal with people all day, just coming home and kicking back is fine with me.

6.Your dream car.
A Convertible.

7.Your favorite scent. Red Dor

8.Your favorite TV show. Ummm, you have to ASK...lol...DWTS of course...My all time fav is Andy Griffith

9.Your dream job. Something not in Retail

10.Your favorite outfit. Blk dress pants with a cute top/matching jewelry

11.Your perfect Saturday night. Well, since I work every Saturday except once a month, I come home and chill out.

12.Your wish for the future. To not have to work so hard and meet a nice man who will treat me like a Queen...lol