Intermezzo.#1 in Good Morning Providence.

  • July 25, 2014, 2:37 p.m.
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Are you a morning person or a night owl?: In recent years, I can honestly state that I have become a morning person. Thanks to a rigid exercise regimen programmed by my father, no lack of sleep can keep me from proper functioning, given proper nourishment and anything that keeps the blood coursing. Do you take your coffee black?: No, but you can have your coffee back. I much prefer tea, baby. How many times have you seen Titanic?: Once in its entirety and...wait, wait, wait, is this even a relevant question in this day and age? When exactly was this survey written? Do you cry during sad movies?: * Since I'm an empathic sort, this manner of response isn't something unimaginable. As I recall, at age 4 in 1989, I bawled uncontrollably when Goose dies in Top Gun. Out of the goodness of her heart, my mother comes racing into the room, thinking I've hurt myself or something, I incoherently express sadness regarding the comical pilot's demise. Years later, I saw Children of Men alone on opening day, and did not expect to be so moved by the ending sequence in the climax.
Support Obama?:
I hold President Obama in the same esteem as 98% of all politicians: a well-meaning person with aspirations of changing things for the better, only to be overtaken by the dictates of his constituency...While he's made some laudable strides in the name of civil rights, he's prolonged two foreign wars, authorized merciless drone strikes, which continues cost the lives of countless civilians, allowed special interests to run amok, where had ample opportunity to bludgeon them significantly, and otherwise act as the successor to the same heinous mechanics of the Bush Administration. Worse, he's caved-in on environmental policies in arguably our darkest hour... Favorite show as a child?: Depending on the age in which you broached the question, I would've given you a different answer at any age. I would say that the title goes to Rocko's Modern Life, for consistent hilarity...The show really wasn't suited to children, considering half the jokes that went over the heads of censors...Just youtube it, and you'll be blushing in no time. Tell me the last really good book you read.: Arthur Machen's The King in Yellow as a collection of short stories, loosely bound by a prevailing narrative, it wasn't consistently brilliant, but offered some satisfaction as a devotee of HP Lovecraft. Is there a book that changed your life?: Hermann Hesse's Demian: I can't think of another book that has been the source of so much simultaneous internal discomfort and and intrigue than this recommended reading of my Psychology and Religion professor.
A quote/mantra that you live by?: Shit happens without exception. Any tattoos?: No...and pushing thirty, I have yet to experience an event of enough significance to warrant the irrevocable decision to permanently disfigure a patch of flesh. It seems decadent.

What color are your eyes?: They're a light green.
Do you have children?: No, and given my current station in life, it would be selfish and impractical to bring a child into the world...Hell, I'm still single...It's not as if I wanted things to be this way...I envisioned being a father slightly after twenty five...I also envisioned graduate school...As of now, I'm still trying to establish the independence necessary to leave my parents' place, and land a decent job...Perhaps this will require a departure from the Silicon Valley. Perhaps it will require a change of pursuit.
Your favorite name for a person?: Esperanza...and unless I marry a Latina or Italian woman, having a daughter by that name would potentially leave that child open to so much awkwardness. Do you like travel?: Absolutely...and I'd like to do much more of it while I'm young here. Next stop: Germany. What color are your bedroom walls?: Some shade of beige...? ivory..? .Hell, I'm not quite certain...Unless you're dramatically changing the color of a room, it's damn near impossible to find paint. Do you have an internal alarm clock?: Yes, and it took many years to establish. I wake up at the crack of dawn for my workouts, to write in my journal, and take care of household chores. I've grown far more regimented in my late twenties, and hope to take these practices into my future.
How many times weekly do you eat fast food?: Given my understanding of the industry, and vigilant regarding my patterns of consumption with regard for my general well-being, fast food must be eschewed at all costs. Unless you're on a road trip spanning over several hundred miles, there's always going to be a healthier alternative. Do your socks always match?: For the most part they match, unless I'm in a hurry, or on the track. Socks are reserved for autumn-early spring. Most hated household chore? At this point in my existence, I find most chores meditative and satisfying. If anything, changing the catbox is a smelly and less than savory task, which is made easier by the Litter Perfect. If you had a genie, what would be your final wish. "Another genie to relieve you of your duties."
Favorite movie/book character?: As far as cinema goes, Leon from the Professional is the most endearing character in my humble opinion. As for literature, Prince Lev Myshkin of Dostoevsky's The Idiot is likewise endearing, though awkward and prone to poor decision making...Then again, as he is written to portray a Messianic figure, any grievances I have with his character might objections to the character of Christ.

If you could do one thing before you die what would it be?: Fall in love with, establish a healthy, egalitarian relationship with, and make love to a beautiful woman. I know this sounds shortsighted, but it's something for which I've longed for the whole of my existence. While there are other goals pertaining to career, artistic expression, and spiritual development, I feel as if they'll be satisfied by this...And it's not the end-all be-all, as the cliche goes, but I feel as if I've missed so much of life, and personal growth as a consequence of this solitude. There's been a huge, gaping hole in my soul, and it's festered for nearly thirty years. I'm admittedly a late bloomer (thankful to be blooming at all) and wish that the Almighty, my inhibitions, and life itself wouldn't be so stubborn in consummating this outcome...

Ideal way to die?: Quickly and completely beyond my control. What was your first word?: I'm quite certain it was "Ma-ma;" in other words, nothing terribly out of the ordinary or special. Look to your left..what's the first thing you see?: Red Solo cup half filled with water and my cellular phone.
Put your i-pod/phone on shuffle and tell me the first song that comes on.: "Cold Days from the Birdhouse," By the Twilight Sad. Seeing as I have every album of theirs on rotation, it stands to reason that they'll play within a frame of every ten songs. Are you a dog or a cat person?: While I'm a cat person, my love extends to all animals; dogs included. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?: I had a basket full of stuffed animals, among which I assigned voices, and enact scenarios and dramas....Perhaps that's the impetus for my becoming a theatre kid. Favorite Disney/Disney Channel movie?: * It's either The Sword in the Stone, or Aladdin. From an animation standpoint, both are paradigms for the eras in which they were produced. From a storytelling standpoint, both are likewise endearing and memorable.
What decade would you love to live in?
: While I'm happy to exist in a decade marked by strides in Civil Rights, Medicine, and other Scientific discoveries, I'm saddened by the stark materialism, which has equally dominated the mentality of the typical American.

Are you good at math?: While I'm adept at on-the-spot calculation and quick problem solving, Statistics and Finite Mathematics were the factors that kept me within a community college for an extra year. What's better..being on time or being early?: Punctuality is a virtue.
Did you graduate High School?: Yes, but all the same, I wish my mentality were different, and there were more people in my circles to offer encouragement where I struggled. Ever smoked pot?: No, and close to thirty, I'm happy to continuously abstain from such a habit. Favorite alcoholic drink?: Give me a good glass of Cabernet Sauvignon or a high ball of good bourbon, and I'll be set for an evening. Weirdest place you've ever had sex?: Pushing thirty, I'm still a virgin. This isn't the best of all possible visions I had for myself when I was younger, but I'm still in good spirits, and still hopeful. Psh...At least I haven't settled for anyone to whom I wasn't attracted, or by whom I was otherwise off put. Likewise, I'm happy not to have children I can't support at some level, and/or a divorce/unsatisfying marriage. I'm still growing up here, and while I wish it happened at the same pace as friends who have succeeded in this regard, I'm not giving up until I'm [mostly] satisfied.

What was your first pet's name?: * The black Cocker Spaniel for whom we cared was called Tommy. He was a jerk, but we loved him nonetheless. *What do you listen to in the car?: KPFA- leftist radio, KZSC- the college radio station, my iTunes, CD's, and so forth... Do you like the beach or the mountains?: Pity I have to choose here...Anyhow, I prefer the mountains, only because you're in the presence of more trees, and don't usually bring it with you after you've finished. Know anyone with the name Josiah? Two kids: both ethnically German-Jewish boys within Christian Churches. Both really nice guys. Do you have a brother?: I have one older brother. He's a wonderful human being. Ever been in a car accident?: 2008, when I was 22, Highway 17 was still slick from the first rains of the season. Because of this, a patch of oil rose to the surface, just slightly descending the summit. hitting it, I lost control, smashing into the divider. Thankfully, there was nobody around for yards, and I was able to make it home just fine, where my father, justifiably, scolded me for having put myself in harm's way. I think he was more grateful to know that I hadn't faced any real physical harm.

Do you watch sports?: Not at all. Can you do a cartwheel?: No, but not for lack of trying....There's a few photos of me at university, trying my hand at a few on the beach, completely fumbling, and kicking up huge bursts of sand. Your house is on fire..what do you save?: * The cats, my guitar. *Something you wish you could've done differently but can't change?: I would've been far more bold in my youth and stood up for what I knew to be right, focused on schoolwork, and been far more decisive. Something you wish you could've done differently and CAN change?: Graduate school is still an option, and my outlets for creative expression haven't closed. Do you have a big or a small family?: * It's relatively small, but not the smallest I know. *Family heritage?: Japanese, Swedish, and French-Canadian. What's one thing you're really proud of?: I'm physically stronger than almost anyone my age, without having to resort to steroids, supplements, and other shortcuts. Likewise, I'm still considerably intelligent, I take care of the needy and poor, am a friend to those in need, I've become regimented and prolific in my crafts, a hard-working employee, and the future honestly looks a little brighter now. Are you currently in a relationship?: No, but I will be soon; I can feel it...This, like anything of lasting importance, will simply take will power. Last person you said "I love you" to?: My parents. Did you smile today?: Sure I did.

1) Do you ever wonder what other people’s lives are like? As in, when you’re travelling, do you ever wonder what strangers are really going through? Yes, and I think such lines of internal dialogue are integral to establishing empathy and broadening one's capacity for creativity.

2) When you’re excited for something and time is dragging, what do you do to distract yourself? Sketchpad, guitar, book, notebook are successful outlets for this. 3) When was the last time you experienced the butterflies? Was it a good or a bad reason? I can't quite recall...The closer I get to thirty, the less of a fuck I give to warrant their continued flutter. 4) Do you like doing things on your own or do you feel awkward being out and about in public without anyone else with you? It all depends on the activity and mood, I suppose. While I enjoy spending time among friends illustrating, getting a glass of wine, dining out, alone, I can do so with relative ease as well. 5)* Is there something you like the idea of more than the reality?* Medical school. 6) How do you pass the time on long journeys? * A good playlist will go a long way, and likewise, stopping at roadside diners and bars to people watch or draw helps enrich the experience. 7) If you’re sitting down, can you stay in the same position for a while or are you constantly fidgeting and shifting around to get comfortable?* That honestly depends on the nature of the subject matter and the surface upon which I've been asked to sit. If it's firm or uneven, I'll naturally shift my position. If it's soft, I'll doss about, and not care. 8)* Do you look down on people who spend their lives in minimum wage jobs? Or is any job better than no job?* No, some people have no choice in the matter. It's not as if I ever wanted to end up in the minimum wage jobs I've worked throughout my life. I tend not to look down on anyone for their decisions, but see them for their intentions. 9) Do you have any intolerances (not allergies) to certain foods? Do you eat them anyway and put up with the consequences, or do you abstain altogether? I have aversions to wheat and dairy, both of which weigh me down to some extent. 10) Do you spend a lot of time with your parents, or do they drive you nuts after a while? * I *live with my parents, and they're delightful people in their own right, but I'd honestly rather live alone than have to deal with the psychological frustrations of being so co-dependent at this age. 11) If you had to spend a day with your parents, would you spend it all with both of them, or would you do different things with each one?** I'd rather spend time with one or the other, as together, they're kind of childish in their interactions. 12) If you see people begging, do you give them food or money, or do you just ignore them and move on? When I have money to spare, I give liberally, and attempt to make conversation. If there's nothing to spare, I apologize and go on my way.

13) Do you feel sorry for people who die from drug overdoses, or do you think it’s their fault for taking the risk in the first place? Of course I feel compassion for people beset by such circumstances, and am fully aware of the circumstances under which most addicted people endure. Aside from individual will, there are social factors, spiritual factors, and biological factors afoot, and to cast the blame would be an act rooted in the most undeserved judgment.

14) Would you stay with your partner if they had AIDs or a similar disease, or is that not something you could cope with? Provided my wife/girlfriend were committed to the same degree of care as I hope to be, then it's definitely something with which I could cope. 15) Have you ever suddenly gone off something you’ve really liked for years? Yeah...It's been a few weeks since I've picked up my guitar, sadly. There's no real reason for this, other than the enormity of responsibility, and existential trudging.

16) Do you find it easy to entertain yourself or do you find you need to be with other people so that you don’t get bored?* I can entertain myself under most circumstances, but it's better to have friends...I miss having them so readily accessible. 17)* Have you ever found yourself feeling lost without an internet connection? Yes...I am very much a product of this era. *18) Do you think you look better with/without make-up? Do you wear make-up regularly or just for special occasions? Without...wait, I'm beginning to think this quiz wasn't tailored with my demographic in mind. 19) Are there certain fashion styles that put you off when it comes to your preferred sex? Why do you think you’re not attracted to that kind of thing? For some inexplicable reason, I've never found evening wear (e.g. shimmery, strapless dresses in some bright jewel tone) and high heels all that attractive. Such attire just screams loud, drunken partying or something of the sort...I'm really grasping at straws here. I'm not terribly off put by most women's fashion. 20) If you have a partner, are you guys similar or total opposites? Does this cause any problems or is it something that makes things stronger? Single, biracial male. Theoretically, this wouldn't be any cause for concern, unless in extreme circumstances. 21) *Would you rather live on a farm or in the middle of a city? If you had to live in the other place, could you cope or would it drive you nuts? * Either living situation would have its merits, I, however, would prefer a farm, as it is comparatively silent and closer to nature. *22) If you have a mental disorder, does it offend you when people say they suffer as well, when they quite clearly don’t? * It's usually an attempt at empathy, which indicates some degree of good intention. While I've been clinically diagnosed as having clinical depression, ADHD, and some high functioning variable of autism, I understand not everybody can afford such services, and would encourage anyone who fears they might be enduring these conditions to seek out a sliding scale counselor at your local Church, YWCA, Community Center, and other entities. *23) Are you addicted to anything? Is this thing actually good for you, or is it something you should probably give up or at least cut down on? * I'm addicted to Kombucha, and attempt to consume a bottle daily. Ferments and probiotics, from what I understand, are beneficial to gut flora, which is responsible for far more than digestion in the long run. While I read of certain instances in which individuals who follow similar patterns encounter certain difficulties, including brittle bones and illness, I feel as if my consumption patterns have yet to prove detrimental. *24) Do you reckon athletes and sports stars are paid too much money? What professions do you think are seriously underpaid? ** Athletes are compensated based on the degree of esteem they receive from their region and corporate constituents. While I do not necessarily value their profession in such high regard, and often balk at certain items in the news, in which some professional athlete is signed onto a team with a multi-million dollar contract over a certain number of years, it's not terribly shocking or appalling. ...As for underpaid professions, it doesn't take much observation to know that teachers are the prime example of this. Having to endure hours spent trying to improve the lives of young people, only to be shown disrespect by pupil, parent, and administration, only to live in a certain degree of poverty, the American teacher is far more deserving of a greater salary and political representation.

25) Could you ever disown your parents? What would they have to do in order for you to make such a drastic decision? I'm past the age in which emancipation would even be an afterthought, and I've always had a great relationship with the two of them, in spite of our flaws. Ultimately, independence is the goal, and I'm still trying to find a way to establish this in a way that keeps me sane and makes them proud.

**26) Are there some legal things you find totally unforgivable?

Corporate loopholes, tax breaks for the very wealthy, 27)* Do you think people should be allowed to keep big cats and other zoo animals as “domestic” pets?* Not by any means. The exotic pet trade not only ruins ecosystems, but is a poor personal decision, which often ends in injury or death. Unfortunately, the very wealthy still feel it necessary to possess such novelties without any heed for the animal's well-being. 28) “If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it” – do you agree or disagree with this and why? While the wording on this one could be better, I most definitely agree that voting contributes to the illusion of freedom and democracy, especially in this country. The United States has become something oligarchic, Monsanto, Coca-Cola, General Electric, Halliburton, and other related entities continue to dictate whatever ends up on the ballot.
*29) Is there something you love so much that you don’t understand why other people don’t like it? * Seaweed. I can't get enough of it.

30) What is something that other people seem to love that you just don’t get?

EDM, Dubstep, and other new manifestations of electronic music. It takes little to no talent to produce, and ruins festivals.

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