Somebody please tell them who the eff I is in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • June 29, 2014, 1:29 p.m.
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Well Good Lord, I didn’t mean to go so long without writing. But those that have been following me for years know that I am capable of doing that lol.

I love my job. I hate how busy it keeps me. I feel like I lay down for my evening nap on Mondays and I wake up and it is already Friday night when I am clocking out. Weeks just zoom right on past me.

I have lots to catch up on. I have even more pictures to post but I will skip those so that I don’t overload you with this entry. You’re welcome lol.

So BabyGirl (Lorena) at work is finally getting knocked down a couple of pegs. About damn time. Her final straw with me was when she told Rick (who then told me and Omar) that the reason she wasn’t doing all the items on her shift check list was because “She wasn’t going to be told what to do by someone who had been working a whole week less than her.” Excuse me? The hell does that mean? I looked at Omar (The General Manager) and said, “You know, if I wanted to work with a bunch of damn children I would have applied at a damn daycare center. I’m too grown up for her childishness. Besides, I didn’t tell her what to do, I REMINDED her of her check list that she was required, by you, to complete each shift she worked. Do something about her or I walk.” So she has been taken off the schedule from 4 days a week to 2. And I am no longer having to work a shift with her. Apparently she has rubbed quite a few people the wrong way and Omar is finally doing something about it. Now if he can just get Mysti under control. And Erica.

Because, as God is my witness, Erica and I are gonna throw down if she continues with me. Erica is the Sales Manager and she thinks she’s God because she brings in a lot of business for the hotel. Bitch please. Our hotel is the highest quality in town. We sell out first before any other hotel. We have business, with or without you. You just happen to bring more headaches with all the damn ball players/teams. My job description is Guest Services Rep/Night Auditor. Not Nanny. Not daycare provider. I’m tired of babysitting kids because their lazy ass parents allow them to run rampant throughout the hotel/the parents sneak off next door to the casino and leave their heathens unsupervised. It’s even worse when the ball players are grown ass men and I’m having to leave the desk at 1 am to go tell them they have to go back to their own rooms and shut the fuck up because I am getting too many noise complaint phone calls. Ugh.

And then Erica has this bad habit of every time I walk past her door, she has a stack of paperwork she needs me to do, “ASAP, Sassy! I needed this like yesterday!” What exactly are YOU getting paid to do? Can I at least set my purse down first and put my name tag on since I just literally walked through the door? I told Omar I didn’t mind helping out, when I have the time to help out, but I don’t like being told that her jobs are more important than me checking in a guest or answering phone calls, or even counting my cash drawer. She can hire someone to assist her if she is that swamped with her job.

Oh, and then she had me seeing red a few weekends ago. Our hotel sponsors the local baseball team and one Sunday we hosted their home game. So she asked for us all to come to the game to help pass out goodies to the fans and put on a united front for the hotel. Myself and Evelyn showed. I brought Hubby & The Child with me so that we could enjoy (free) family time. She enjoyed helping me pass stuff out and then Erica invited her to help out in the concession stand, which she was thrilled over! After about an hour, I was sitting at one of the picnic table, keeping an eye on The Child (because hello! I don’t leave MY child unattended in public!!) and Erica asked The Child to keep an eye on things because she needed to sit down & eat. Then Erica proceeded to stand off to the side and have a 20 minute conversation with some woman. The Child had finally had enough of helping out and went over to Erica to let her know she was going to go sit in the stands with her Dad and Erica had the nerve to fuss at my kid and make her cry. Oh hell no. Do not make my kid cry. I will tear you limb from limb over that shit! So I told The Child to go sit with Hubby and I’d take her place and then I proceeded to give Erica a piece of my mind. “She did exactly what you asked her to do. It is not her fault you chose to talk with someone for 20 minutes instead of eating. Do not get angry with my child and make her cry because you changed the plans on her!” So eventually Erica went and found The Child and apologized to her. Ugh. Manager or no manager, I will slap a bitch in a heartbeat when it comes to my daughter.

Aside from the headaches, and Lord knows, there are lots of headaches, I do love my job. One night I managed to clock 10,071 steps on my pedometer. The guests are awesome. Even Sean, the friendly neighborhood sniper guy is behaving and being a most charming guest. I’ve gotten to where I look forward to our 4 am cup of coffee and chats. I even managed to earn extra brownie points with management when Sean informed them that I had kindly given him a home cooked meal to eat for dinner. Truth was, I am just too busy to stop and eat when I work Audit and since I don’t have a 2nd person working with me, I can’t clock out to eat. So almost all audit shifts are without a meal. But I bring one just in case a miracle happens lol. Anyway, Sean was mentioning how he was getting sick of eating out all the time so I offered him what I had brought from home and he accepted it and then told Omar what a kind, thoughtful person I was. I didn’t offer it expecting brownie points. I didn’t even think anyone would find out. But there you go. A good deed, recognized. pfffttttt.

Last weekend we took The Child to St. Louis, MO to meet up with my In-Laws so they could take her back to Ohio with them. Worst stay ever. Ever. EVER!

We stayed at one of the chains I work for so that we’d only have to pay $29 a night instead of the over a $100 night rate. This particular one was an independently owned one. Therefore they didn’t allow pets, which we had brought Cocoa the dog. So I stayed in our room while everyone else went out to dinner. Didn’t want her howling/barking and getting us kicked out. They brought me back a salad.

Anyway, here is the review I left on trip advisor. Keep in mind that this is just a very condensed version, and by no means all that we experienced.

”Xxxxxx is going to lose a lot of business because of this one bad seed. No notification on the website of hotel being under construction. Directions to the temporary check in location was spotty at best. The Guest Services Rep was no where to be found when I arrived and I had to wait for someone to finally show up to check me in. Rooms are not typical Xxxxxx/Xxxxxxx quality. Elevators were in poor condition. The evening GSR and Night Auditor were both not wearing standard Xxxxxxx uniforms, nor did they have a name tag on to identify themselves. I too stayed the night of the power outage (June 21, 2014) and being a Night Auditor for a different Xxxxxxx location, I was appalled at how the guests were treated during the 12 HOUR power outage. Both stairwells were in complete darkness - a total safety violation. Fire alarms were going off ONLY on the 3rd floor, only in the hall, not in the guest rooms. Have you ever tried to make it down a pitch black stairwell, 3 flights, with numerous other people, and small children who were crying/screaming because they were scared to death? It’s a true miracle no one was injured trying to evacuate the building. Oh, and one of those stairwells ended in the hotel lobby, which is under construction, so there was no way out of the building that way. You had to take the door leading to the outside of the lobby, which that area was roped off and you had to crawl under the ropes. Every time a guest asked a question or presented a problem to the evening GSR, his only response was, “I’ll have to call my manager.” The so called “manager” should be embarrassed (and relieved of his status) at how his GSR handled the situation and for his/her failure to appear and make sure his/her guests were taken care of. Losing power was no one’s fault, but the lack of knowledge/procedures/Xxxxxxxxxxxx by the GSR is disgraceful and the manager’s lack of support to his/her guests is inexcusable. The manager not only failed his/her guests, he/she failed the GSR in not making sure proper training for emergency situations was conducted for the employees.”

Corporate also received an email from me. I was not happy camper. I was embarrassed to say I worked for the chain. I was horrified at how the guests were being treated. Hubby had to keep fussing at me, reminding me it was “not my circus, not my monkeys” and to put my name tag back in my purse lol. But I did make sure that every guest I came in contact with knew to tell the desk clerk at check out that they were invoking their 100% satisfaction guarantee so that their cards wouldn’t be charged.

Yes, I know that the power outage was not the hotels fault. Things happen. But, it was the hotels responsibility to ensure that all safety codes were up to date. If they had had a hearing impaired guest, that guest would have never known about the fire alarms since there weren’t any in the rooms and none were going off on the 1st or 2nd floor. There is a reason why they put blinking lights on the fire alarms, People’s.

Our hotel lost power last month for 3 hours. We even had a guest stuck in the elevator. Thank God I wasn’t working that night. But the difference between our hotel and the one I stayed at was that Omar was on property within 20 mins. He called in Linda & Erica to come help. They went to every guest room to ensure there were no medical issues with guests. They encouraged all guests to come down to the lobby/dinning area for complimentary coffee/water/fruit/snacks. We had different board/card games set out for the guests to use. We turned it into a party of sorts for the guests. Not one guest complained and/or asked for reduced rates or the 100% satisfaction guarantee. In fact, the woman stuck in the elevator ended up sending us a thank you card for everything we did for her and her family. THAT is how you take care of guests. You don’t ignore them. You don’t promise to call an elusive manager with questions.

So there are some highlights since my last entry. I’m sure I have more to write about but I know that I have taken up more than enough of your time so I’ll shut up now. LOL

We leave Thursday morning, when I get off work at 7am, for Ohio & won’t be back till the 13th. I may or may not update before then. Don’t hold your breath lol.

Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to go read more of your entries …

Till next time …

Last updated January 03, 2015

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