7. in Survey Says

  • June 16, 2014, 4:25 p.m.
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  • Public

What is you middle name? Which one? That’s right, I’m fancy and have two!

How old are you? Let’s just say I’m desperately clinging to my 20s

When is your birthday? July 2nd

What is your zodiac sign? Cancer… very amusing.

What is your favorite color? Believe in Blue baby!!

What's your lucky number? I don’t actually have any belief that these numbers give me physical luck, but I’m partial to the numbers 2 and 8.

Do you have any pets? 2 Fur Babies, 2 Fish, and a Signifcant Other.

Where are you from? West Philadelphia, born and raised, on the pla… okay fine. Born in the good old Van of Couver.

How tall are you? 5 feets. 7 and a HALF inches. And I will cling to that half an inch okay? ...sounds vulgar

What shoe size are you? 4.5… midget feet go!

How many pairs of shoes do you own? Ehhh… not much now, my feet are all weird since their second surgery.

What was your last dream about? I was a boat captain!

What talents do you have? Tripping over things that aren’t physical objects. You can’t argue that it isn’t a talent; I’m really freaking good at it.

Are you psychic in any way? I get deja vu a tonne.. but that’s like the opposite of psychic. I only remember things if they’ve happened more than once XD

Favorite song? 7 Years - Sully Erna

Favorite movie? I don’t know if I have a favourite… there isn’t some “go to” movie that I know of, but there are a few that I will watch any time.

Who would be your ideal partner? Eoin + him having a job that didn’t keep him away so much.

Do you want children? Pretty darn sure I do.

Do you want a church wedding? I don’t even think I ‘need’ a wedding no matter where it is. But if I were to have one, no I wouldn’t have a church wedding.

Are you religious? The last question probably clarified this.

Have you ever been to the hospital? Oh… more than one person probably should!

Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Not in the least, and now I work with them.

Have you ever met any celebrities? I’m the biggest celebrity I need to know XD

Baths or showers? Depends. Shower more than baths ever… but there is nothing more relaxing than a green tea bath. No jokes.

What color socks are you wearing? I have naked feets!... underneath my flats.

Have you ever been famous? I was in a local television commercial once. So… yes!

What type of music do you like? I looooove Rock and Roll… \m/ >.< \m/

Have you ever been skinny dipping? I have indeed!

How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 body pillows, and 4 regular ones.

What position do you usually sleep in? I tend to fall asleep on my back with Shy laying on my stomach, but when I wake up, I’m on my stomach.

What do you typically have for breakfast? A cup of coffee. And if I’m on the ball, a muffin.

Have you ever fired a gun? I have fired a gun… and tea bags everywhere are scared.

Have you ever tried archery? Nuuuu T__T But I want to SO BAD.

Favorite clean word? Cripes!

Favorite swear word? Fuck? I don’t know… I’d rather not swear to be honest.

What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep? Without sleep at all? A couple of days. Lack of sleep? Months!

Do you have any scars? A tonne, a literal tonne. I am actually insecure about the ones on my back.

Have you ever had a secret admirer? No I don’t think so. I’ve had a couple of stalkers though. Yepp… legit.

Are you a good liar? I am proud to say I am an awful liar.

Are you a good judge of character? Normally my gut feeling is really spot on.

Can you do any other accents other than your own? Once in a while I accidentally pick up a southern accent. I doubt it’s good though. And even though I’m born and raised Canadian, I apparently talk a wee bit East Coast / Bostonian. Sawree!

Do you have a strong accent? No, just a small Canadian one. West coast, so it’s not as strong as if I were East Coast.

What is your favorite accent? Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!

What is your personality? Fiery Red Head?

What is your most expensive piece of clothing? I don’t really have expensive pieces of clothing as I don’t really think that’s the best use of money. Plus I buy far too many articles of clothing to spend a lot of money on individual pieces. So it’s STILL a waste of money I guess.

Can you curl your tongue? Yeppers.

Are you an innie or an outie? Innie… stupid amount of innie. I have a stupidly deep belly button.

Left or right handed? Mostly right handed, but getting darn close to being ambidextrous.

Are you scared of spiders? Right up to, and including, screaming like the girl that I am.

Favorite food? Mee Grob… or Pad Thai.

Favorite foreign food? Vietnamese and / or Indian.

Are you a clean or messy person? Fairly clean… hard to keep up when you live with a slob though.

Most used phrased? “Wait, What?”

Most used word? Yay!

How long does it take for you to get ready? For work? 20 minutes. For anything else? Possibly less… I like to think I’m low maintenance.

Do you have much of an ego? Sure I do, like most people. It’s not huge, but it does the trick. ...wow that also sounds vulgar.

Do you suck or bite lollipops? Iiiiiiiiiiii… suck it :D

Do you talk to yourself? Probably more than I should.

Do you sing to yourself? When the spirit moves me.

Are you a good singer? Gosh no.

Biggest Fear? Never going anywhere in life. Being stuck in this same purgatory existence.

Are you a gossip? Like everybody, to an extent yes I am. I don’t spread untrue or start malicious gossip. But I talk about events.. how else would I know things?

Best dramatic movie you've seen? I’m both terrible with movie titles, and terrible with genres, so I won’t even hazard a guess.

Do you like long or short hair? On men I presume? Probably short, but I mean it depends on the person.

Can you name all 50 states of America? You know what? I’ve actually tried this on more than one occasion, and no… no I cannot. BUT I do better than some I’m sure.

Favorite school subject? English / Literature

Extrovert or Introvert? I imagine Extrovert. Introverts don’t stop to have sex on the way home ...I mean -cough-

Have you ever been scuba diving? No but I bet that would be pretty darn fun.

What makes you nervous? Doctors!

Do you correct people when they make mistakes? If it is something that needs to be corrected, yes of course. A simple spelling error? Probably not. I live (and function) in the land of the typo! Besides, I haven’t even corrected all the “coloUr” spelling errors in this survey ;)

Are you ticklish? Pretty much in one spot, and one spot only.

Have you ever started a rumor? If I have, it wasn’t ever intentional.

Have you ever been in a position of authority? Usually… sometimes it’s there, but the ‘title’ isn’t. The ‘power’ is always there though.

Have you ever drank underage? Yes of course. It’s what I did as a teenager apparently.

Have you ever done drugs? Ibuprofen makes me fuzzy… drugs would not do well.

Who was your first real crush? John. Stomp stomp baby.

How many piercings do you have? 5 holes in my ears. That is all, and there is no interest to further it.

Can you roll your Rs? Not even during Rrrrrroll up the Rrrrrrim :(

How fast can you type? The last time I took an actual speed test, I got 147 WPM

How fast can you run? I’m just a little slower than the gingerbread man.

What color is your hair? It is currently getting lighter and lighter. People continuously have been asking me if I have dyed it recently.

What color is your eyes? They are usually a very pale blue. But… but… “what colour IS your eyes?” le sigh.

What are you allergic to? Pollen, orange scented cleaners, work, stupidity.

Do you keep a journal? I try… but clearly I’m not very good at it.

What do your parents do? My mom is a home support/care worker, and my dad runs the city’s transit system. And my job connects me to both of them!

Do you like your age? No! It’s too close to 30.

What makes you angry? Being ignored. People making issues where there don’t need to be any. Utter laziness.

Do you like your own name? Seems to have done me okay so far.

What are you strengths? Swinging frozen fish.

What are your weaknesses? I have way too much patience and understanding - even for people who really don’t deserve it.

How did you get your name? Um, my parents thought it sounded good at the time? That and my two middle names are passed down through the family.

Were your ancestors royalty? I don’t know my deep ancestry, but I somehow doubt it.

Color of your bedspread? Royally blueish and then some pinky/peach stuff on it.

Color of your room? Stupid. And ugly!

Anything else? I have to sneeze.

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