She sounds so nasty and obnoxious! Could she have been jealous of her co-workers for some reason? I'm 57 now and in my 30s I was the assistant manager of a shop. I'd done various jobs over the years, starting as a shop assistant at 16 and was made manager of same shop at 18, various other jobs I've done but I always went back to shop work/management. This particular female manager over me was the witch from hell! Most staff were terrified of her...not me...she was only a shop manager... her mother was from England and her father from Afghanistan, with a massive self-obsessed ego, always shouting at staff, being nasty, she was like it with customers too. There was a whole load of issues with her over time. She'd go to a flower shop and instead of asking for what she wanted, she SHOUTED and BARKED at them. Her sister and mother, who I never actually met, only over the phone were as bad as her. I'd answer the phone quite politely and before I even had the chance to put the phone to my ear I got blasted with ''put her on'', so I'd ask ''may I ask whose calling?'' NO, YOU CAN'T, JUST PUT HER ON''. One day I'd had enough of being treated like the lowest of the filth by her and her family so I slammed the phone down! Twenty minutes later she calls me into the shop...I was in the staff area at the time... ''how DARE you be offensive to my mother! How DARE you slam the phone down on her!'' I told her outright, in front of customers, that I'm sick to death of being treated like gutter rubbish by her and her equally stupid awful gobby mother and sister and I WON'T put up with it. Then I went into the staff area, grabbed my bag etc. went back into the shop, still packed with customers, literally threw my staff keys at her and walked out! Various customers, I was told, backed me up and said she'd lost a decent good hard working staff member!