BIG breakfast in keeping it postive

  • May 31, 2014, 4:51 a.m.
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I had oatmeal - regular: not quick, not instant - takes 3 minutes in the microwave... with dried cranberries, ground flax and chia seeds. No added sugar (except for the cranberries). I also had plain Greek style yogurt with bananas cut in.

I'd gained a LOT of weight during the three weeks I worked. I have to get back on track! Last night I had a yam and the yogurt/banana mix. I have to avoid wheat... HA, that's going to be difficult!

ermentrude May 31, 2014

That sounds good. I like oatmeal - have it nearly every morning and I always y use proper stuff. I fill it with nuts, some fruit and sometimes honey when I'm feeling extravagant :-) x

Darcy0207 from OD ermentrude ⋅ May 31, 2014

I love it also. I have tried different spices - ginger, nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice... just for the variation.

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