Confounding gerbils in Life as we know it

  • Sept. 25, 2013, 12:07 p.m.
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That's what a classmate in a psych class would call confounding variables. In this case it's the popup ads I was getting only during OpenDiary access yesterday. Today it's not happening, and noters say they've some nothing of the sort.

Hmm. Yesterday I was accessing through the top-secret (from Dour) Verizon hotspot thingy at the apartment. Today I'm leeching off the wifi at the apartment clubhouse. So that's two differences, and a third is I posted an entry about it betwixt then and now.

And to confound this gerbil all the more is when I was clicking on links to seminar materials in an attachment to an email just now, I was getting a popup wanting me to install some program I've never heard of.

I'm about to lose my battery, so just enough time to record how peaceful this morning has been. Candi forgot her phone at home and it was much too late to go back when she realized that.

So no texts. Ahhhhh!

I was trying to take a nap once I got home and was having a rare success, which was nice as it's my last day off before doing a legal seminar the next two days then starting training for the new job Monday.

And then her phone rang. Geez!

Yesterday it was hitting me time was short. Training is going to be regular work hours through October. So I hustled to do a Settlement Agreement for the divorce, and today need to draft the Dissolution Decree, then send them off to Sybil to review and sign or amend before the divorce hearing the first week of November.

So I'm off to do that. I don't think I'm going to challenge the unemployment ruling on being disqualified. They're probably right. I didn't have another job offer actually in the bag. Just wishful thinking when I quit the other job. I really wanted out of that job.

After that I'm taking the final bike ride of the season that isn't for the purpose of going to or from work. Going to be nice and unmolested. Of course, she'll probably call from a landline at work in the middle of it.

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