Nice to see an update!

First, the school stuff? I think that's absolutely reasonable! I obviously don't have children, but I spent the last couple of months doing pediatric medicine and it's been the focus of conversation with the parents. If I was in a lower impact area and had the option (and, you know, children), I feel like I would lean toward in-person schooling as well. One of my favorite attending pediatricians is double board certified in Infectious Disease and she actually switched her children from their previous school which was only offering virtual schooling this year to a new one with the option of on-site schooling. Homeschooling is not for everybody, whether children or parents, and it just was not feasible for her family with her career and that's okay.

The religion and politics stuff... It's just all so heavy these days, isn't it? I've been obsessed with subreddits like r/FundieSnark lately and some of the content is so hard to read. Like I'm obviously not Christian anymore, but I was for years, and I actually went to church and read the Bible unlike so many "believers," and I'm floored at all the hate in people's hearts. I guess one's area and church home does make a huge difference there. Oh, and with the debate, Trump mocking Biden for never coming never him without a mask? LMAO.

Last but not least: THAT PODCAST. I would be so interested! Andrea Yates and her children's tragic fate is a perfect example. Her fundamentalist husband could not fathom a medical professional's expertise -- about something as serious as postpartum psychosis at that -- superseding his Quiverfull beliefs and it took all of his children from him. I'm pretty sure he's since remarried and had more though.