Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday

  • April 3, 2014, 5:27 a.m.
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  • Public

  • I am thankful for my visit with HubbyMan this past week, it was oh so needed.

  • I am again thankful for morning quickies, short lived as that last week was, lol.

  • I am thankful for time away together, and our time as a family.

  • I am thankful for change, really I am, lol.

  • I am thankful for the signs of spring sprouting out of the ground.

  • I am thankful for the return of the spring birds, including the ever popular turkey vultures that are gracing our skies again.

  • I am thankful for my time alone.

  • I am also very thankful for time shared with friends and loved ones.

  • I am also very thankful for our health care system and all the good care my loved ones that need it, are getting.

  • I am thankful for all of you, you are amazing people.

Zipster April 03, 2014

What an interesting photo!

Beret April 04, 2014

I'm thankful I have you and your life to read about!

Tick Tock Tick April 04, 2014

Truly happy that this week's Thankfuls include morning quickies! Tsk. Very glad you sound happy after Wayne's visit. At one point you weren't so sure about that. / Thank You for mentioning Canada's fine health care system. I'm glad every time you do. American conservatives number one agenda item is destroying government health care. Dopes. / Thank you so much for your note and for hanging in there with me. Your kindness feels like a balm and make me feel good. / I love that you love vultures! Ours are back, too. / What is your planned departure date to Edmonton? Have you decided for certain to rent your current home or not? / We had an inch of snow this morning and I heard a blizzard is crossing the Great Lakes. If you have snow, I hope it melts rapidly like ours is! / Have a great weekend and thank you so much for your friendship.

NorthernSeeker April 06, 2014

What a great photo of the sunrise/sunset.

It's April...only 3 months more of this school year for me and about the same amount of time before you and Wayne can live in the same town again.

Deleted user April 07, 2014

As usual I love all your gratitudes ! The picture is lovely !

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