Too many people, maybe all of us to a degree, want rights for ourselves but not for other people. Every religion has the golden rule, but it sure seems hard for ANY of us to really understand or practice it.
Big example were the Ten Commandment plaques that were put up all over the country in publicity for the movie 'The Ten Commandments'. In the little park in downtown Lacrosse there is a fenced area identified as owned by some civic organization as a haven for their movie advertisement. AND there is nothing wrong with the commandments - they are common sense and should not be something to argue or take sides about. To a great extent they are like the Golden Rule, they belong to all religions. They are not the possession of one branch of Christianity. Amen.

ps People should just behave as well as they can during epidemics. Wear masks. And wash their hands. Stay 6 feet away from others. Stay home and relax with TV and the internet.
Same as airplanes if we ever get back on them. Behave!!!!