IamD ⋅

An Irish night-owl, keyboard philosopher. Questioning everything, resolving very little. Self deprecating and cynical by nature but striving to make more than the sum of his parts while attempting to get the crux of the problems.

"Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within."

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Entries 2

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August 01, 2015

Equilibrium in From There to Here

It has often been observed that the key to a happy life is all about balance. A balanced diet, a balanced check book, a balanced mentality. As if we are all teetering on our individualised scales...

So there’s a few things you need to know (if indeed there is a you reading this.) I’ve always had on again off again relationships with these blogging/diary sites. I was on OD for some years. Ne...

Books 1

2 Entries