ICanDoASumbersault ⋅ 39

If you strain just hard enough to listen, there will be the sound of lonely trumpet far off in the distance.

I have set my life upon a cast and I will stand the hazard of the die.

Richard the 3rd

Entries 78

Page 3 of 4

May 21, 2014

Toribash! in Boredoms

This game has existed for years and I feel cheated that I did not know about it before now...it's...just amazing. Steam offers it free-to-play which is how I found out about it. It seems daunting...

May 18, 2014

A survey yet again! in Boredoms

When was the last time you ate out for lunch? At work I'm often forced to eat out. What colour was the last swimsuit you wore? Red. Is your dream job attainable? Not for me. Have you ever been...

May 18, 2014

Death Compilation! in Boredoms

I've been playing with software that would allow me to record game footage and I've been enjoying it immensely, especially with Spelunky because it's such an adorable game that loves to murder yo...

May 18, 2014

No vey but survey in Boredoms

Where were you born? Covina, CA Do you still live there? Nope. I don't think I ever lived there or really even very close to there. Where would you want to live, ideally? Uh, a lovely tropical i...

May 17, 2014

Survey 4 U! in Boredoms

White or red wine? I have yet to taste one on either side that tasted good, so neither. Who was the last person you hugged? Kelly! Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Nope Where did your fir...

All the way home from work I had every intent on making a pissy rant about this but it's hot and I ran out of steam. I feel like I get mad at every dumb ass thing I see or hear. Once my indignati...

May 08, 2014

Survey? Again? in Boredoms

1: What do you put on hotdogs? A second, smaller hot dog. 2: Do you say "anticlimatic" or "anticlimactic"? Anticlimactic 3: Do you check flyers before grocery shopping? I really should but no. ...

May 07, 2014

Chicken! in Boredoms

I just bought a game called Outlast on Steam today...pretty spooky looking game, thought I could get some horror thrills out of it. That's me pretending things like that don't scare me to the cor...

May 06, 2014

Psh, dudes! in Boredoms

I was at Target earlier and some guy I was barely acquainted with when I worked there says hi to me and stops me to chat. I don't really need to know what he's up to since he's still working at T...

May 04, 2014

Survey-hey-hey! in Boredoms

How many pets do you own? None, I don't trust myself to take care of things. What’s your least favorite season? Probably Spring. Do you prefer to text or call? Definitely text. Morning or night?...

I think I may need to stop having friends. I love the friends I have now, it's not a situation where I don't love them. It goes back a few months. A friend I loved a great deal and had known for ...

Do you have more male or female friends? – Female, I don't relate to men very well. What is something that you realized today? – I honestly can't think of anything. Have you ever ridden a horse...

In an effort to keep the last several entries somewhat short I cut a few events out so I'll put them down now. Theatrelink - a well meaning but soul-crushing project we were forced to participa...

So, I had my first uncomfortable parent meeting and that's always a fun experience to have in your dating life. Generally speaking, I come off pretty normal to parents so they don't have many pro...

I think that title makes it sound like this will be more whimsical than it will be. My inconsistent sleep patterns are doing odd things to me. I can't get to sleep at a decent time anymore. As s...

April 10, 2014

Angry gender rant in Boredoms

Earlier today I was treated to a lovely meme picture thing that Facebook thought I would enjoy seeing because some who was a "friend" liked it (she is now very much not a friend). I don't remembe...

April 08, 2014

Snake Eater in Boredoms

I am super obsessed with the title song from this game. That is all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CbFAZ2ztlE

At work today some people were sharing with me their excitement for upcoming games, namely Elder Scrolls Online and Wildstar. Time was I'd be pretty excited as well as I always enjoyed sinking my...

April 01, 2014

Feelings are the worst in Boredoms

It's been many years since I've really had a relationship I felt strongly enough about that its loss truly hurts. I've known this person almost 10 years and we've had some great memories in the t...

There are few phrases I can think of that are as detrimental as that one. It's so easy for us to hurl that pointless "wisdom" at people when we've done well for ourselves. It seems like, at some ...

March 23, 2014

Standards in Boredoms

This is a topic that has always been pretty touchy. From a distance I think plenty of people think it's not good for people have harsh physical standards for people they date, I like to think I'm...

March 18, 2014

Another survey in Boredoms

What is your name? Brian What is your age? 29 Single, Married, Hooking up? Permasingle Favorite Food? Teriyaki! Dream Date? A good beach. What are your top 3 favorite THINGS? My computer, my...

March 17, 2014

I peaked early in Give me your soul

Good old summer of 2001. I spent a good deal of time with my newly graduated friends. I was scared that once they trotted off to college they'd just forget about me...a common fear. Life tends to...

The main theme of this point in my past was change. I had to adapt to new things I never even imagined I would experience and no year provided more changes than Junior year. By this point I was ...

So the end of my freshman year comes around and I find myself in a completely different place in life. I had no end of things to do or people to hang out with and it was a very different situatio...

Books 2

69 Entries

9 Entries