OneSassyLadyNKY ⋅ 53

Question me now about all other matters, but do not ask who I am, for fear you may increase in my heart its burden of sorrow as I think back; I'm very full of grief, and I should not sit in the house of somebody else with my lamentation and wailing. -Homer's The Odyssey Book 19, 115-120

"Do unto others as though you would have them do unto you." It doesn't get much simpler than that.

Entries 111

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You're welcome for the earworm ... So this is what I woke up to last Friday. The hell?!! Weather service said maybe a stray wet flake mixed in with the rain they were forecasting but definitel...

I wish we were able to go back and re-write history. I wish we were able to crawl into a loved one's head and make all the bad things floating around in there disappear. I wish love and compass...

Oh you better believe I'm mad. I'm mad as hell! I'm so mad that this entry probably won't make much sense but I'm going to try to keep it together as much as possible. How dare you. How fuckin' ...

I'm really, really beginning to hate this night shift work. Granted it works best for my little family. But it is starting to wear me down. I hate to give it up though because it is the only down...

Ugh. Just Ugh! So those that have been reading me for years may remember the occasional rant about my SIL always comparing The Child to her son since he is only 6 days younger than The Child. We...

I am the worst at figuring out titles for entries. Wittiness is not my forte. Some days I get lucky but most days, I do not. Anyway, I left off last time discussing The Child's upcoming Karate T...

CROSS POSTED Before I begin, I just have to thank the person who nominated my last entry for Reader's Choice (on Open Diary). Wow. Was not expecting that at all. I don't write to impress others....

Would you kindly please stop asking our 11 year old daughter (soon to be 12), or us, her parents, when she will be getting her own Facebook account. Although we are certain your intentions are in...

I'm going to try my hand at some dear letters. I have so much to update but I could spend hours writing about one topic and honestly, I'm behind on the updating to begin with, so I'm going to con...

CROSS POSTED: Ah work. Good ole work. The thing that keeps my family in cell phones. And cable/internet. And The Child in karate/Girl Scouts/Band. And food in our bellies. Can't forget the food....

Please don't ever dare me to do anything. Do not even issue a challenge. I hate competitions and I hate them even more when I am competing with myself. "Good evening. Thank you you for calling ...

Books 3

113 Entries

1 Entry

4 Entries