charlie k.

poor Brutus, with himself at war, forgets the shows of love to other men.


Entries 15

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In what’s increasingly becoming my normal response to any new term’s first CS lecture, allow me to present, Some More Thoughts from the guy who will unintentionally help to usher in the age in wh...

Dear 50+ “conservative” humans, WRT participation trophies &c: I got a bunch, because I grew up in a place that didn’t value the things I was good at (there were, and are, some of those). It ...

I’ve been putting in 12 hour days since the US election result came in; for me, that was the small hours of Wednesday morning. I’ve been trying not to think. Focused on my responsibilities to my ...

I was sat reading just now when I dropped out of the book - I do this recently, fucking meds making me spacey, and the lack of sleep, fran’s side of the mattress is wrecked and she lacks the know...

Circles within spirals. 11 and a half (+change) years ago, I was waiting like I have been waiting. I was on holiday, early January 2005, with my family - we’d gone up round the bay to anglesea, w...

If Scotland cut and run, do I lose my UK passport? Do I, regardless of that, gain a Scottish one? Should I try for an italian one via my paternal grandfather? Will all of the tech companies leave...

Playing my favourite game of ternary chicken. Caffeine up, whisky down, try to hang about in the middle and be productive. If I can pull an all nighter playing video games, I should be able to t...

no longer climbing. Went to Thorpe Park a few weeks ago. Standard theme park: enormous queues, overpriced food of questionable provenance, < 10 rides in a full day. It didn’t rain much. (I’ve ...

(Right up top, because I don’t want to be more of an arsehole than usual: trigger warning for self harm, self loathing, cynicism, futility, violence.) , particularly with typing. 2 beers down, tr...

Repeating. So: I’m sat in a library, typing this instead of working on an assignment that I want to submit today and which is months late. I have university offers in the bag but am still brim fu...

Now settling down again, a bit. Have gotten an invitation to interview for one of my less preferred universities. Still baffled by the idea that, in 8 months, I might be back at uni. At work las...

I’m naturally inclined to use 2 ten dollar words and change where a brief, contemplative silence would probably fucking do. Or at least, when I let myself say things, the inclination emerges. I b...

Two thoughts 1: in the shit of history, few of us are pigs. Some are turnips. 2: my mind has become perfectly vapid. I’m positively jejune, darlings. So here I sit, finally and conclusively a tur...

February 12, 2014

lady face in In which our ignoble friend

Composed. not geometrically, just a series of lines, vaguely colored between. Pocked and scarred, fissures and craters where the rock of expression met a less than hard place. Gives the impressio...

February 06, 2014

thot in In which our ignoble friend

Fuck this captain of my soul noise. I woke up crazy glued to the mast, freezing and confused. This is some next level piratico-nautical Saw franchise derivative bullshit. I'm defending my eyeball...

Books 1

16 Entries